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I can not sleep because I try, new house, new city, everything new, I finally think that I'm somewhat overwhelmed. It's eleven thirty, it's not too late, I decide to send a message to Lenna, my best friend, but my hope is zero percent, because I suppose it's not the same time as here, with what maybe Asleep or not.

I was totally wrong, she doesn't take a minute to answer me and she calls me by video call.

-Tell me everything, what is it like?- She says more excited than me.
-It seems overwhelming at first, but okay, a lot of people are amazing.-I inform her and she smiles.

-How's your new family?-She says, and then the tone of the conversation becomes more serious.

-It turns out that John has two children, one is super monkey, I think he's seven, his name is Steve.- I inform her and she smiles.

-And the other?- He asks, laughing as if he thinks I've forgotten the other.

-He's an asshole and I have not even talked to him, but his airs of pimp surpass me.- I told her. -Besides I have to share a room with him, I would have preferred to share it with Steve.

-How old is he?-She ask me.

-I think he's the same age as us.- I say and I look at his part of the room, completely absent from his presence.

- Sure is the typical hot pimp, which is so good looking.

Okay, Jason is not ugly, but he's an asshole, and I think that's not taken away by anyone, I'm still upset about his behavior.

When it's been two hours since I started talking to Lenna, we both decided to hang up and we would be in tomorrow we would call again.

A noise wakes me up again.
<< Fuck, now that I had managed to sleep >> I think .

I lift my head and look at the door of the room, which opens slowly, Jason is swinging, clearly drunk, and finally falls on the bed.

I don't pay too much attention to me trying to go back to sleep.

The rays of light that enter the window wake me, last night was a long night. I look to my right and do not see anyone, go Jason to flee again.

I get up and go to the kitchen, they're all, absolutely everyone, including Jason, having breakfast, shit I've fallen asleep.

-Did you sleep well, honey?-My mother asks me , to which I nod and smile.

As I pour myself a cup of coffee I see Jason staring at me, what's wrong with this boy?

I ignore him and sit down at the table.

-Baria, what do you say we go this afternoon to see Times Square?-John asks. "You do not have to come, Jason and Steve stay here.

I would love to go see it, but I prefer to go both alone, it is good to enjoy some time alone.

-I don't think I'm going to, I'd love to, but my head hurts.- I lie and I seem he believe it.

-Honey, do not worry, we understand.- My mother says.

-Then a couple's day.-John says, and we all take it in a strange way, my mother blushes, Steve laughs, Jason rolls his eyes and I smile. -We'll leave at four.-Continue as if nothing

When I finish breakfast I go to the bathroom and I get shower, the warm water contrasts with the cold weather of Christmas.When I have finished, I go to the room and luckily it is empty, I can dress in peace.

I choose the clothes I'm going to wear and I start to dress, then I look at my cell phone and I see a message from Dylan, I forgot about Dylan.

-God!- I exclaimed, although I know I am alone.

I quickly call him and he does not answer me, shit, Dylan is a great friend, I love him, he has always been for me and me for him.

I feel terrible, I had completely forgotten to call him to land, I just hope he has not been very angry with me, although I deserve it.

Jason enters the room and looks at me for a second, then goes to his closet.

-Listen to what I'm going to say, because I'm only going to tell you once.- He says and does not even look at me. -This is my part of the room, which means that you do not touch anything in this part of the room.- He explain.-Got it?- He says and finally turns around.

-I was not going to touch anything.- I say in a neutral tone.

-I do not give a fuck if you were not going to touch anything.- he says in an aggressive tone. -Just don't touch anything.

-You're an asshole.- I tell him without hesitation, I do not care if I offend him

-You do not know, you do not even know me.

-I do not need to, you act like one.-He buff and turns around again

-And you're a disgusting little girl who likes to judge others.-I would like to kill him.

I'm leaving the room, I can not stand it. It's going to be a long Christmas.

part 2 of this charpter it's comming...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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