Ch. 4 - Raku.

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~ Raku. ~
"Yes, Chitoge?" I looked over at her, wiping my mouth as I smiled. "Is everything okay?"
Pushing my finished plate of food forward slightly and taking a sip of my drink.

"Yeah everything's fine. I was just wondering if you'd be attending our school while you're here?" She looked over at me from her place at the other side of the table, sitting closely next to Raku.

"I should be. I don't exactly see why not." I stated, before stretching. Chitoge nodded and smiled before standing up and heading off to the bathroom. Now, just Raku and I were awkwardly staring at eachover across the table. I took this one moment in which we were alone together to ask him something.

"Ichigo-kun, what's your honest opinion on Chitoge?" I smirked, my eyes watching him. This was the best opportunity to set them up. For real. It was blatantly obvious that Chitoge had feelings for Raku, but everytime she was asked about it, she'd deny it and continue to list reasons as to why he was the worst person in the world. She was such s tsundere.

"O-oh uh." He blushed a shade of red. He looked cute when he was embarrassed. "Well. I guess she's okay." He shrugged obviously attempting to avoid the conversation as much as possible. Fine I decided to let him off this time. We obviously weren't close enough for him to feel comfortable exposing his feelings for Chitoge in front of me. But, I decided that my new goal for the holiday was to get him to confess his love. I tucked a strand of my [H/C] hair behind my ear and sighed. "Fine. I'll accept that answer."

Chitoge walked back over, sitting down before looking at Raku. "I guess now's the right time to leave. I want to go home. I don't want to spend the rest of my night hanging around with you." She glared before checking around for Claude, who had finally decided to leave her in peace for once.

"Good idea." He agreed before standing up. The three of us left the restaurant. Chitoge and I parted ways with Raku and headed back to her house. Once we arrived we made our way upstairs. Chitoge practically throwing herself onto her bed and pulling off her shoes.


I sat down next to her. "How good is your English now?" I questioned as I looked around her large, fancy bedroom. It was obvious she came from a wealthy family.

"It's gotten better. I find it easier to speak than I do write though." Chitoge was able to translate an entire sentence pretty much fluently. I was impressed. She had always seemed to struggle with English, not as much as others but.

"Congrats!" I congratulated her on how fluent she was. English wasn't the easiest language to learn so I appreciated her efforts. I disliked talking in Japanese, so a conversation in English would've been a lot more comfortable for me.

Then Chitoge looked over at me with the most mischievous look in her eyes. "Sooooo [Y/N], what's your opinion on Raku? Do tell~" I froze. That was a pretty random question.

I thought back to earlier. To how cute he looked when he blushed. Before quickly shaking my head, heavy blush covering my cheeks.

Heya! I'm sorry I haven't updated this in months. I've been really unmotivated to write. Also I'm sorry this chapters a little short? Oh well I hope it's sufficient enough. I'll try to update more regularly from now on;
I noticed this story practically blew up a little bit, even without being completely finished. So I thank you for the support! If you have any scenario suggestions or stuff you'd like to happen make sure to let me know in the comments! Have a good day/night!
Anywayyy, if your enjoying this so far maybe press and leave a comment?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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