Think About It

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Gabe's POV

"I just need time to think about it."

He was rejecting me... Of course he would, why would he want the weak pack omega as a mate, he was the alpha's perfect son. Perfect student, perfect body, perfect friend, he was a great person, great at everything he did and he was nice, nice to everyone. He was just too nice to reject me to my face. He was to good for me, he needed a strong mate one that could help him take care of the pack, defend the pack, I couldn't even defend myself against the humans at school.

My mind was made up... I needed to leave the pack. If I put distance between us he would be able to move on from the mating bond without going insane. It was what's best for the pack, for my mate.

Five years later

A werewolf choosing to live in the city is like a lion choosing to live in a cage. There was barely any where for me to shift and run, too much of a risk because there were way to many humans roaming everywhere. So I stayed in human form and went to the gym to release my stress. After being a member of the gym for two years I became a trainer and did some modeling on the side. I've changed... A lot. I wasn't the same skinny kid anymore however, no amount of time spent in the gym could change the fact that I was short.

My personality hasn't changed much, I was still very introverted. I didn't have a lot of friends out there and I didn't date... At all. I still thought about my mate, Kronos. I didn't think he had moved on, I would have felt it if he had slept with anyone in the past five years and my mother, who is still part of the pack, told me that he asked about me.

I felt kinda bad that I got a little overjoyed when she told me that he asked about me. I left because I wanted him to move on from me, but I did love him. He was absolutely perfect and beautiful, even before finding out he was my mate I loved him.

It was a Saturday when I got the call from my older sister.

"Heyo buddy." I answered, excited to talk to my big sister.

"Gabriel, you need to come home." She sounded so serious... Like something bad happened and my mood changed in an instant.

"What's wrong Fiona?"

"I don't want you to jump to the worst conclusion but you need to come home... Your family needs you in this difficult time." She was being so cryptic, but if my family needed me, I'm there.

In under a week I had booked my flight and gave my boss and my landlady notice. I was nervous the entire flight, nervous to see what was going on with my family, nervous to see what had changed with the pack and to see their reaction to seeing how I had changed.

The flight ended much fasted than I expected and in no time I was in a cab on the way to the pack land. Not much had changed in town, same old stores, same old school, kinda made it seem like five years was not that long.

I arrived at the dirty road leading to the pack house twenty minutes later. The cab driver looked at me as if I was crazy to stop in the middle of nowhere, but I just ignored him, paid and got out.

The walk to the pack house was an hour long... It had to be far into the woods so no one would stumble upon it. The dirty road stopped about a twenty minute walk in and if you didn't know where you were going you would surely get lost.

Stepping into the clearing where the pack was located was like stepping into a new world. There were buildings of different sizes lining a paved road that led straight to the largest structure of all, the pack house. I looked around for several minutes, taking it all in. I had to admit, I missed it. There were people walking around in their wolf forms, children running around playing, they were all free there and that's what I missed the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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