chapter 1↛ whos this?

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I walk into my English class early, seeing Sadie giving me a wide grin plastered on her face.

I walk towards Sadie, giving her a small grin in return.

"Well good morning to you. You seem quite radiant, what's up?" I say to the red head.

"Millie, oh my god. Where were you yesterday? Haven't you been receiving my messages?" She snapped at me. Her smile faded and turned into a look of irritation.

I was busy yesterday helping Ava with her homework. Ava just got into kindergarten, and she loves it, aside from the homework she's given though.

"I was busy helping Ava with homework. Something you should be doing for every class." I snap back.

I take a seat next to her.

I pull my short hair back with my hands and let out a long yawn.

"Didn't get much sleep?"

"No." I say exhaling my breathe.

Sadie rolls her eyes.
"So, I got off the phone with Romeo last night. We talked for 4 hours straight— well almost 4 hours." Sadie says giggling.

I scowl at her. "Sadie he's a dick. He's a fuck boy. He's going to get you to talk to him, and get into your pants."

"And how would you know?" Sadie hissed. She had a disappointed look on her face now.

"He's an asshole and you know it," I was starting to become frustrated. I didn't want to see her get hurt. I knew what she was getting herself into. It makes me even more mad because she doesn't listen to me.

"Besides, you can do way better Sads."

Sadie was gorgeous. She had light, freckled skin. Her skin was so clear, unblemished. She had hazel eyes and long Titian red hair that flowed over her shoulders. She was the perfect height, and thin.

Sadie rolls her eyes.

"He could be a prick sometimes— okay, a lot. But if you get to know him more, he's actually a pretty decent guy, and he seems like he's really interested in me Millie."

Sadie was denying the truth.

"Whatever, do what you want. But promise me you won't let him get to you. Promise?"

She looks down at my hand, and then joins her little finger with mines.

"Friends don't lie." Sadie says, giving me a small grin.

Moments later, the bell rings and the room is now being filled with talking teenagers, probably bragging about their miserable lives.

I look towards the right side direction of the classroom door and notice an unfamiliar boy walking in.

A tall, thin pale boy with freckles. His hair, dark brown and lustrous. His eyes were the type of brown that was sweet like chocolate. Everything about him is symmetrical, most obviously his cheekbones.

"Hey Sads, who that?" I say nodding towards the guy.

"Umm," she bites her bottom, trying to remember his name. "Finn— I think, I'm pretty sure that's his name, why? You think he's cute? I could totally talk to him for you."

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