Chapter 4

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Song: Castle by Halsey

Through the shadows, Alec, went on foot to Magnus's, even through the snow because he had to get Magnus's. No matter what. Well he didn't really have to go to Magnus's. He just chose to because sometimes - just sometimes - the institute was to hard to be in.

With Jace being Jace and the constant reminder that Max wasn't coming home ever. As Alec mounted the stairs to Magnus's apartment he kept thinking about his younger brother, Max.

Max was killed by Sebastian in the Idris. He had lived a nice life but he will never grow older than 9. Snapping out of his thoughts, Alec was about to knock when he remembered he had a key.

Opening the door as quiet as he could the shadowhunter, could hear Magnus's soft voice coming from the lounge room. "Shhh it's going to be fine there's no one outside,' he heard his warlock whisper.

"No. I know what I saw they are outside Magnus," a familiar voice replied sounding tired. Alec closed the front door softly before walking into the lounge room.

The sight shocked him so much. Clary was sitting in the corner with her knees to her chest and her head in her arms. Magnus was squatted next to her. Wait Clary was here? Wasn't she meant to be in the institute with protection?

"Clary?" He asked quietly. Her sleepless eyes met his.

"Oh hey Alec, I'll leave you and Magnus alone." She said as she tiredly got up from her position in the corner. As she reached the door to the spare room she turned around to look at Alec. "Alec promise me you won't tell anyone where I am not even Jace. I just need some time."

Clary walked into her room closing the door behind her. Still shocked Alec turned to see Magnus in his same position.

"Magnus? What is going on? Why is Clary here?" Magnus turn his head to look at Alec as he stood up.

"She came here on her own, I did nothing to get here. I'm just helping her. Alec she is breaking from the bad ass warrior she was when Sebastian and Valentine were alive. She's tricked her mind into seeing things. She's fücking scared Alec. I don't know what to do." Alec just stood there looking at Magnus. After moments of silence Alec took his boyfriend's hand and walked him over to the couch.

As Magnus laid on the  couch he pulled Alec on to off him. A little while later the couple had fallen asleep.
The walls were slowly closing in pushing forward the supposed to be dead monsters that surrounded them. Clary was trapped in the middle. They were all yelling things at her, "He's coming," "stupid little girl you don't know what you have done," "wait till master sees her."

Clary couldn't take all the noise, everything it was just too overwhelming. She screamed as loud as she could closing her eyes, forgetting the world around her. Even when she thought she couldn't scream anymore she did. Clary kept screaming until she physically couldn't. She dropped to floor the strength and energy leaving her body. Somehow during her screaming the undead-dead monsters had vanished.

"Clary, Clary, Clary, Clary." Somewhere close by someone or something was chanting her name. Then someone was shaking her shoulders, repeating her name. "Clary, Clary, Clary. Clary." Alec shouted as he shook clary. She opened her eyes confused.

"Alec? What are you doing?" She said as she sat up and looked around the room noticing Magnus was also in this unfamiliar room. "Where am I? What's Magnus doing? What happened?" Alec took a step away from the bed.

"Well you are at Magnus's. You were sleeping so we're Magnus and I but we woke up as soon as we heard you screaming your head off. Now tell us about your night," Alec filled her in as he turned the chair at the desk around so he could sit down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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