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Under the water

It engulfs, suffocates

Leaving my mind in edifice

Surrounded by the mysteries of life

My thoughts swirl around me

a whirlpool of love and hate

They bring me down, they're my weights

I'm trapped

The cold starts creeping in

Biting and snapping at my skin

No warning, it catches me by surprise

If only someone could find me

They would witness my bulging eyes

But no one is here

No one will see

how this pain, this cold affects me

So alone

So lost

Sinking here in my own frost

My legs and arms flail

My lungs begin to fail

Oh, how it hurts

For they feel like they will burst

I beg, please

Poseidon, do not take me

My soul is still alive

I do not want to die

How can I stop you from breaking in?

How can I keep this light within?

It provides little warmth

That small light

It flickers, no longer a raging storm

Do not take it!

It is all I have left

What would I give to have just one more breath?

Someone, anyone

Save me

Save me from a watery grave

Save me from these thoughts

The ones that pull me down

The ones that make me drown

Save my light

Spare it

Or toss it into the night

With the stars that shine so bright

What would I give to escape this fright?

I go numb

My mind turns into an empty tomb

There is nothing

Nothing that is left

No more fighting

I must accept my fate

I am going to die

In this whirlpool of love and hate

The water nymphs bring me down

Wrapping their hands around my ankles

So cold. . .

Cold. . .

I finally drown

The Works of a Lonesome SoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang