Chapter 21

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Prince Zargot's POV

I watch her eyes flutter shut, "Serina! Come now, stay with me! You'll be alright!" Mother runs to her other side, "We need a medic over here!" This shock breaks her husband from his stance. He falls to his knees, his words are faint, " have to fight, you must see your work complete, fight for me Serina." As quick as he was there he's gone bringing Serina with him. It is not hard to realize where he took her.

Prince Yarsin leads the way reflecting the worry we all feel. The Nirasu prince is pacing when we arrive, it is painful to watch. He meets us as he takes notice. He looks worn, burdened I look into his eyes and the stress is evident. "You care for her." He looks toward the door they must have taken her.

"Far more than I expected to... she is ... she is a good person."


"Corin." I grasp his forearm he appears to understand as he returns the motion. We wait in silence, mother does not say anything. It is Corin who breaches the silence after the first hour, "You look like her."

"Do I?" He nods,

"Same hair, same eyes, same nose."

"I hope I share more than just her looks."

"She once told me she sees much potential in you, that should anything happen to her she trusts you would lead Ariox into the country you both wish it to be."

"She always had believed more in me than I ever did of myself." Mother's comment is nearly lost in the whisper of her voice,

"She had to, if she could find no hope, then I fear she would not had survived all these years," the next part is even quieter than the last, "I know I would not have."

Just then the medic finally appears, we rush toward the poor, weary fellow. "You can see her, she's exhausted, this recovery will be a long one. The wound was deep and we nearly lost her, but she pulled through, try not to overwhelm her."

The sterile smell of the room is strong. The walls are all white as is the bed. She nearly disappears within the covers. Her naturally pale skin is sickly and covered in sweat. She looks weak. She attempts to sit up and Corin is there instantly helping her. She gives a weak smile.

"How are you, sister."

"Never felt better, brother," her voice is raspy and cracks as she speaks, "A shame I missed my reception." Corin laughs quietly.

"I'm sure we can have another."

"Wonderful." As she drifts off we settle into chairs Corin and I each take a side while mother sits at the foot with Yarsin. She has slightly more energy when the king and queen visit. The first thing she says shocks everyone.

"My apologies about the dress."

"Oh, Hun, I can always get another." The queen smiles carding her fingers through her daughter-in-law's hair. Serina coughs and water is instantly at her side. She smiles, but I can see the pain in her features.

"Why so distant, Parcen?" The king moves from his position against the wall to her side,

"Better?" She feebly pats his arm,

"Much." She spends a great deal of the first week sleeping, but when she is roused she has a smile on her face regardless of her true health. 

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