Introduction/ Author's First Note/ And this and that

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This is a story of a girl who is living her safe and sound life, or she thinks it is, anyway. But when she is attacked two time in a week, she convinced the otherwise. Even worse, there is only one person to help: a mysterious guy with a god-like face and superpowers.

He claims that there is an evil institute stimulating superpowers by simply torturing innocent children and that he was one of them.

But what they couldn't understand is what their intention might be with her. When they finally figure it out, though, it's too late because shit will be going down already.

Some quotes from the book

"If I were to describe her eyes, I would use the word of Kintsukuroi, the art where broken objects are repaired by gluing the pieces with gold, to understand that object is more beautiful for having been broken. Indeed, not despite of, but because of the brokenness in her eyes, she was undeniably beautiful."


"I've made up my mind. It's not heroic, not right but it's my decision. People can't be good or bad, Pia. The word is not black and white. People are just humans and the world is grey."


"I won't kiss you until you tell me your name."


"This...This is the greatest moment of my life."
"Even better than those book?"
"Even better than them."



If you read all this way through here, you should've realized that I am really bad at writing descriptions and intros (and A/Ns obviously). But... I am very confident about my story and I think it'll attract you as well, because even I got excited as I write all those chapters, which I worked very hard writing every single one of them. Though, to get through Pia's the adventures, I need your patience and empathy to put up with my grammar mistakes (mostly induced by caffeine overdose). The story takes two or three chapters to develop the storyline, so hold on.

My saying is, I worked hard sleepless nights to write this story, which is almost finished at hand. And I didn't write it to share on Wattpad in the first place. This was a story that held a place in my mind for two years and I am yet to find the courage to type it down.

Soooo, I would be so incredibly happy if you spare a time to read it and give me feedbacks (and votes, of course, but let's keep it down for now).

Love you lots.

Yours expectingly.

(I am down to make friends/talk about fandoms/every kind of chitchat, so hit me up)

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