Part 1

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^ What this short story is based off.

Bo's POV
Another day. Another show. The same lines. The same song. Every time.
I was waiting for the curtain to raise, when I looked in the crowd once more to see the sea of people.

and then I saw him.

His bright blue shirt stuck out in the crowd, complimenting his big gorgeous blue eyes.

"Bo you're on!" I hear someone yell at me.
I jump onto stage, with my old hoodie and a book, as a voice comes on narrating my life. I started going on with my dance as normal, but then I caught his eyes again. His bright smile as he looked up at me.
I almost misstep, but finally the "prolonged eye contact" part came on.

I quickly found his eyes in the crowd. I looked right at him, and he stared back. My blue eyes trapped in his, as I missed my cue to walk forwards. I took a giant step closer, to catch up with the tape.

God his eyes..

I looked down at him, his face a purple haze with the lights. His smile reflecting back the brightness of the stage, and his beautiful brown hair shaking with his head movements.

We both freeze.

I lost track of the tape.

He slowly stood up, as I crouched down. His hand gently grazed my cheek, as he got on his toes trying to reach me.

I cupped his face with my hand, as we leaned in closer.

I could feel his hot breath on my lips, our lips barely touching..

What am I doing?

Right before we could kiss, I leaned away. I got back up into my skit, but the "prolonged eye contact" track wouldn't stop.

Damn producers are messing with me.
I quickly moved to him again, as he stood up from his seat. His face lite up when I came closer, and he reached for my hand.

I gladly accepted it.

His warm hand, fingers tangled in my own. I reached for his smooth face again, rubbing my thumb over his cheek.

Damn that's my cue

"Lick your lips to make it more comforting." was said before I jumped up, and started dancing again.

"Do you wanna see a magic trick? Do you wanna see a magic trick? Do you wanna see a magic trick? Then pick a card any card sike!" I mouthed.

"Read a book!" I said, looking back at the blue shirted boy.

The blue shirted boy, with the blue eyes.

*Context! I found this YouTube video, and wrote this in the comments. The users who go by
• Ayin Muhsinah
• Chris D
• Julia Curry
• ElectraTheKilljoy
all comment on my post. I will be continuing this short little story, as a little funny thing to test my writing with two people I barely know, but others might know fairly well.
If you don't know Bo's show "What." Then you might be extremely confused. Here's the whole show if you're interested.

I'm excited to see where this goes!

The Man with the Blue ShirtWhere stories live. Discover now