Part 2

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The show went on as normal.

When I was reading my poem, I heard a ringtone in the audience.

My head shot up, looking to the back of the crowd. "I heard that phone." I playfully mock at the person.

The crowd starts yelling at me and I ask, "What did you say?" Trying to understand them. "It was a baby? Whoops." I say, chuckling. I look in front of me to see the blue shirted boy laughing.

My face goes hot red, and I get up and yell, "It's a fucking baby? Why is there a baby at the show?" Everyone laughs at this, obviously thinking I'm pointing out the fact there's a baby in the crowd of my shows. This show has more cursing then a pissed off rattle snake that got a brick dropped in its tail if it could talk.

Everyone laughs and claps, but I'm still trying to defend myself. I take a glance to the blue shirted boy who is crying laughing so hard. "Are you serious?" I saw some people nod at me. I make a shadow with my hand to try to see the child.

"I'm trying to look for the smallest glow stick." I tell the crowd, still looking for the infant. I finally see it and say, "it's a fucking baby."

I sit back down, and I look down at the blue shirted boy, and smiled before moving on.

I look directly at him before saying, "this ones for you baby." His face goes so red that he almost blends in with the lights, if it wasn't for his sky blue eyes burning a hole through the haze.

Somewhere in the middle of the show, I'm able to go backstage for a quick second. I run as fast as I can to find a piece of paper, and quickly write down a small note.

I push it in my pocket, and run back out. Within 10 minutes, I find a way to slip the note to the blue shirted boy.

I make sure not to miss a beat, as the show finishes up.

"Mr. Burnham." Was the last thing said. I ran backstage, and was handed a bottle of water.

"Thank you." I say, taking a huge swig. I head to my changing room, and sit down. I remember what I wrote on the letter for the blue shirted boy.

"Hey! If you wanna, come to my dressing room and maybe we could go out to get some drinks? If  anyone gives you a hard time getting to my dressing room, show them this note.
I hope you enjoyed the show!

Now to see if he shows up.

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