Part 5

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Jakes POV •

I'm at Pilots House, waiting for Bo. I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember, but it's always been a fan to celebrity crush. Never something I thought would happen.

During the show when he looked at me, and I brought my arm out, I thought that he was only doing it for the show. When he slipped me his number, I almost faint. I couldn't believe the Bo Burnham was interested in me!

It wasn't a secret I was gay. I normally wore a shirt that says "To Write Love On His Arms." And the letters were all rainbow and pretty.

I'm the most stereotypical gay you'll meet.

I sit in the restaurant, waiting for Bo to show up. Maybe he is just playing a huge joke on me. He ditched me once at the bar. Who's to say he won't ditch me again?

I sigh and stir my wine in my glass, and watch the veins drop down the inside back to the pool of alcohol.

"Hey turn up the tv!" I hear one of the waitresses say to another. He grabbed the remote, and turned up the TV.

"And in more recent news, the comedian Bo Burnham was hit by a car. Witnesses say he was chasing a mugger to get his wallet back, but accidentally ran into a car." The news lady says. The guy turned the tv down, and I bolt upright.

"That's my date!" I yell, looking at the Tv.

"Bo Burnham?" The lady asked, filling up somebody's water. "Your date? I thought he was in his hotel."

"No Nancy, that's the guy from the show." The waiter with the remote said. "The one from the Prolonged Eye Contact skit."

The girl named Nancy gasped, and studied me. "He is, you are! Go to the hospital, your wine is on me." She tells me, picking up my glass. I thank her and run out to the hospital.

By the time I reach the place, I'm out of breath and basically dying. But I run up to the lady at the front desk and ask where Bo is. She tells me that he's with the doctor, and to wait in the room for further notice.

So I do just that.

I sit in the waiting room, hoping to see Bo walk around the corner. "He's gonna be ok. He's gotta be ok." I say to myself.

A lady sitting close to me turns and asks, "What happened to yours?"

"He uh, was hit by a car. Yours?" I respond to her, looking up.

She seemed to be in her late 30's or early 40's. She had kind brown eyes, and skin slightly sagging around her eyes. "My little boy is going into surgery. There replacing his lungs."

"Oh no what happened?" I asked, fully engaged.

Her black hair was tied messily in a bun, and her fingers picked at her jeans. "He has early signs of lung cancer. He's most likely gonna survive, but it's never for sure." She tells me, obviously forcing a smile. I can see her eyes grow red, as a small line of water tries to escape.

"Oh it's gonna be ok." I say, going to hug her. She gladly accepts my hug, and puts her forehead on my shoulder. "Go ahead let it out." I tell her. I feel tears wet my shirt, and her soft sobs and hot breath on my back.

She backs away, and smiles lightly, dabbing her eyes with her shirt. "Here, they should have.. ya." I say, grabbing a tissue from next to the complimentary coffee.

"Thank you so much. How'd yours end up getting hit?" She asks, using the tissue to clean her face.

"He got mugged, and was chasing the man before he got hit. And he's my friend. I think.. I don't know we were going on a first date tonight." I tell her, finding the small trash bin for her tissue.

"Oh ya. Did you hear about Bo Burnham by the way? I heard he was hit. I went to his show today." She tells me.

"That's my date." I say.

Her eyes widened as she throws away her tissue. "Oh.." Is all she manages.

"It's fine. Really. I'm just, hoping to see him again." I say, settling in my chair. The lady nods and turns back to where she was. I play with my jacket and mumble,

"I'm really hoping to see him again."

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