Chapter One

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Thoughts and Desires

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if our thoughts were permanently erased from our minds? I have "thought" about it on many occasions. Whenever a thought arises in our minds we either take action or we try to abandon it. Thoughts can either be negative or positive or some people would classify both as "mixed feelings". Many individuals lack the core knowledge of how the mind works and the repercussions it may cause.

First you think about it, the desire then arise and then you execute that desire. A clearer example would be,you're feeling thirsty, you then desire a cold glass of water, your mind will then find all the possible solutions in order to meet your desire which is getting a cold glass of water from the refrigerator. Many of us have consciously tried to abandon a negative thought from the mind;the truth about negative thoughts are without proper mind training, they will always resurface to one's mind. Abandoning negative thoughts firstly begins with training the mind, allowing our thoughts to arise and then letting them go.

Our minds mold us into the very person that we are today. Whether we are successful or not- it all starts from our thoughts and desires. Whenever we desire something, whether it be to have a relationship with somebody or even a new pair of heels, our minds unknowingly gets attached. If we cannot afford the pair of heels, we tend to either get angry or go out of our means to purchase it. When that desire is simply fulfilled another one surfaces resulting in the same actions.

We must learn this very important step in controlling one's mind. Desire and let go. The truth of the matter is that we will always have desires whether it be natural of material, but the main objective is to have that desire and let go. Firstly, the number one step is controlling our mind. How do I control my mind? The question asked by many, the thoughts of some. The initial step is the art of Meditation. Many believe that meditation is just about crossing one's leg and repeating the words "om". Meditation focuses on silencing the mind and other great attributes.

Once we begin to meditate regularly we will find ourselves feeling less stressful, having a more positive outlook on life and also implementing the techniques of abandoning negative thoughts as they arise. Negative thoughts can change a person's perspective about life or anything in specific. By doing our meditations we will have the upper hand where we are able to sit down and watch our minds stray to something negative, hence the feelings of stress, anger, fear etc.

It is a great ability to withhold- instead of our minds ruling our behaviors we can conduct a wonderful and spiritual practice in helping to manipulate it. -The root of suffering is attachment. Be mindful.

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