Chapter Three

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It's Time to let go

Let's admit it, we all get that feeling at some point in our lives, but we sometimes choose to stay. Letting go is probably one of the most hardest things for us to do as human beings. We tend to think that letting go is a gruesome act that is served with a side of heartaches, but I can assure you that with time- great knowledge is revealed which helps our hearts to be at peace again.

We all get that feeling that it is time for us to let go, whether it be a friend, a partner or even a job. Relationships and friendships come and go, we on the other hand have to be strong enough to let it. There comes a time in our relationships where we are too caught up to even see the subtle signs as they appear. These signs are indicators, warning us that it is time for us to let go. Many people see the signs and still prolong their relationships. Signals come in the form of cheating, disrespect, betrayal, constant lying and abuse whether it be physical, emotional or verbal. We consistently think that whenever these signs arise we should make it our priority to try and change a person. The truth of the matter is simple, we cannot change a person who feels and sees no remorse for their actions. It's time to let go.

Letting go for some individuals becomes easy overtime for they have a clearer knowledge about it. We remove people from our lives because their job has come to an end, not that we do not care for them, they just simply cannot continue our life's journey with us. Whenever we disobey this law and keep them into our lives overtime they become heavy baggage. Not only is it a weight on our backs but also a strong burden which we choose to bear instead of bearing the fruits of life. We become angry, depressed, stressed out and lazy. Then we ask ourselves "why am I feeling this way?" We must always remember that whenever the signs of letting go arises we must always cut them from the root. Never let them grow.

Embrace the pain of letting go of that which is not good for you. Step into it. You are stronger than the pain, you can survive and thrive again. Nobody wants to let go , hence the reason why we suffer. People enter our lives not to stay but only to teach us an important lesson which we will need in order to progress to the next stage of our life's journey. Let go and let God.

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