Chapter Two

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The Art of Loving

In today's society many of us sadly define love as to what we see on our televisions. We cannot render a true meaning from our hearts simply because we have not yet experienced it. Many of us have claimed that love has only proven futile. Many say that love is blind, evil or crazy. Sadly, what they have experienced was not love. Some adjectives that can be used to describe love are kindness, forgiveness, faithful and the list goes on. We tend to scramble from one failing relationship to another.

"God is love", many of us cannot interpret those words only because society has corrupted our minds with the belief that love is the possession of wealth and success. The closer we are to God the more we understand the true meaning and powers of love. God is unchanging,forgiving, shows no judgements, compassionate and caring. Once we understand God, we understand the art of loving.

Many people of this generation strongly believes that being single is wrong. They are merely oblivious to the fact that God wants us that way. He wants us to have a spiritual relationship with him, not only for us to become closer to him but also to show us what love entails. I am not a relationship advisor but I can tell you this, love God and he will one day manifest himself into the woman/man of our dreams.

Whenever God is the center of our relationships whether it be romantic, social or spiritual our relationships bloom.He plants a seed, we then water the seed with prayers and dedication and watch that seed grow. That seed is the backbone of our relationship. For we live by faith and not by sight (-2 Corinthians 5:7). The moment we change our perceptions of God is the moment we rewrite the chemistry of love.

We lose ourselves in the process of getting closer to God because we are too busy polishing our makeshift relationships. God has plans for us,but our foggy relationships prevents us from seeing what's on the other side. Whenever that relationship is terminated we must always look to God for subtle inspirations to guide us to the right path but instead we leap into another yet failing relationship. Why do we physically search for love when love is spiritual? Why do we find it so hard to dedicate our lives to God who is filled with abundant love, but find it so easy to dedicate our lives to a perfect stranger who plants poisonous seeds into our lives? A mystery to some, a challenge faced by others.

We tend to gravitate to what our eyes see and not of our souls. Our eyes are covered by a protective shield but once that shield is removed we see the person for who they truly are. Instead of watering the seed with sex, money and evil doings, we should water the seed with prayers, love and dedication and that seed shall grow. The art of loving is not a complex thing once we are close to God. He destroys the seeds of fear, judgements, jealousy and hatred that was planted from our past relationships to plant a new one. -Never give up on love because God has never gave up on you.

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