Chapter Four

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Why do we let material things define our true happiness? Why do we look into the mirror and deny the fact that we are truly unhappy. Happiness lies within our attitude, not within what we have. Happiness grows from the inside before it can manifest on the outside. We often see people with material things and instantly we believe that they must be happy. That's an illusion. If we are genuinely not happy within ourselves , no amount of money or material possessions can conceal the sadness we face inside.

Happiness is not gained through physical possessions or romantic and erotic relationships. Our partners and our friends simply cannot make us truly happy- happiness beings with being content with ourselves. The ego creates an illusion to perplex our minds into thinking that it is real. Well, you can rest assured when I tell you that it is not real. I did not write this book to simply define what happiness is, I wrote this book to show you how to find your true happiness. We cannot love a person if we simply do not love ourselves, no matter if we feel as though that person is the one, the ego will always make us believe that it is so.

In order to find true happiness, we must firstly find it within ourselves. We should never search for it within a person or an object. The art of meditation makes this process easy for us to do. Whenever the mind is silenced, the soul will/shall speak which renders great happiness that was lost within us. When we sit in meditation everyday, we gradually open different realms of happiness that we thought did not existed. Things that we had no interest in, suddenly becomes something that we love and appreciate the most. When our soul speaks, it gives us guidance and inspirations to find our true happiness which is effortless. Whenever we hang around our peers and the environment suddenly becomes quiet, instead of feeling awkward and trying to fill the scene with chatter, we become more appreciative of the silence.

The ego has an interesting way of manipulating our minds to let us think that happiness is some we can touch. In order for the ego to achieve that, it simply allows us to think that we are separate from everything. If we follow that approach we will only get lost in the world of suffering. When we find our true happiness we will then learn how to accept things as they are and how they come. We finally begin to know our selves worth and not let people step all over us for the sake of "happiness". Do not be surprised if you find yourself doing the same thing repeatedly which brings no happiness. The ego cannot be satisfied. We become satisfied with the things we have for it brings true happiness and bliss. It starts with you.

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