five; irl

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i walked up to the front doors of liberty high, nervous as hell. jeff could tell, we have like this psychic twin thing going on.

"fizzy, dont be nervous," jeff said, giving me a pat on the head. he likes to act like he's the older sibling even though i was born three minutes before him.

"yo! its my favorite atkins," we heard a voice call from behind us. it was none other than montgomery de la cruz.

"monty," i yelled excitedly, running over to him and practically jumping into his arms for a hug.

"uh, when the hell did this happened," jeff asked, laughing at our antics.

"well, when i found her gram she dmed me and asked me to show her around the school and introduce her to my friends," monte explained, swinging an arm over my shoulders.

jeff sighed," we have the same friends, monte."

"i know," i said," but monte is more fun."

and with that, we left jeff standing alone in front of the school. monte dragged me into the school and walked directly to a group of boys which i assumed were his friends. i looked at all of them. i had known some of them from instagram.

"fizzy atkins, meet the gang. gang, meet fizzy atkins," monte said.

four set of eyes looked at me.

"oh," i said," i know some of you. you're zach dempsey and your bryce walker." i pointed to both of them as a spoke.

"yea, that's me. nice to meet u fizzy," zach said with a charming smile. he was cute. really cute.

"wow, you're ever hotter in person," bryce said, scanning me up and down.

"dude," zach turned to bryce." stop being gross."

"whatever," bryce said, then turned his attention back to me," if you ever need some fun baby, just hit me up. you know my gram." bryce walked away

"never hit him up," one of the boys said. i didn't know his name.

"thanks for the advice," i said," what's your name again?"

"oh, i'm justin foley."

"ohhh, you're jess's boyfriend," i said.

"that would be me."

"i'm marcus, by the way," the other boy who i didn't know said.

"cool. nice to meet you marcus."

"same to you fiz."

"montgomery de la cruz," a girl's voice yelled from down the hall. when i turned, i saw that jess was marching towards us, with hannah baker and alex standall in tow. "how dare you steal fizzy away from us!"

"hey, not my fault," monte shrugged," i'm her designated friend."

"whatever," jess said, dismissing him. "fizzy. would you like to go with monet's with us after school?"

"i would love to, jess."

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