ten; gc

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gc named fml forever with jess (wife), fashion king, hannah banana, and fizzy (wifey)

fizzy (wifey):
guys. omg

jess (wife):
omg. did mr dempsey finally ask u out!!

fashion king:
ugh its about time. i love my parents!

fizzy (wifey):
yes he did!! hes so cute guys..

hannah banana:
ur cute too!! u will have beautiful children

fizzy (wifey):
omg lol han!! we didn't even go on a first date yet!!

fashion king:
where u going?

fizzy (wife):

jess (wife):
omg cute!! don't be nervous. zach is the sweetest boy ever.

hannah banana:
fizzy (wife):
omg, problem.

jess (wife):
what happened???

fizzy (wifey):
i have nothing to wear.

fashion king:
be ready in 15. we're going shopping.

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