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Chapter 5 Rubble

(Slowking's POV)

Crash! I was jolted out of my slumber by the noise of falling debris. I woke up and pricked my ears, trying to find out the source of the noise. It seemed to be emerging from Machamp's room. I forced myself awake and moved as briskly as I could to Machamp's room.

As I approached the room, I noticed the door of Machamp's room was locked. Maybe it was just an accident. I peeped in through the window. I jumped back in terror. I saw Machamp trapped under the rubble from the ceiling.

That's strange. Assuming there was no foul play(No pun intended) he would have easily lifted the debris and got free. However, he seemed to be lifeless. I heard footsteps from the other Pokemon and I quickly hid in a corner, fearing that they would suspect me to be the murderer.

Alakazam came soon after. He was heard saying : "What is that noise disturbing my sleep? Don't tell me a murder has happened!" I walked out from the corner, and pretended to yawn: " What is happening?" acting if I was clueless. The other Pokemon soon arrived, and as always, Quagsire was the last to come. He probably woke up due to the noise of the other Pokemon rather than the sound of the murder. Alakazam used his Psychic to unlock the door, and got a fright when he saw the corpse of Machamp.

Alakazam stepped out of the room, and said grimly : "The murderer has claimed his first victim." "No! How can this be? My best buddy!" Conkeldurr wailed. He looked around with dark rage in his eyes. "The one who did this cruel act would pay with his life!" Clefable analysed the corpse, for she was competent in medical duties. "No Pokemon wounds, it seems like the cause of his death was not due to any direct attack from any Pokemon. All the damage comes from the bricks." she reported. "It seems like this murderer is rather clever. He or she knows how to hide traces of his crime." Suddenly, Conkeldurr whirled around. He was staring straight at Alakazam. "No Pokemon wounds. Damage comes from bricks. Rather clever." Does this description seem VERY FAMILIAR?" Alakzam became as white as a sheet. Alakazam attempted to compose himself. He tried to maintain fluency by talking in short sentences. " If you do realise, .. Slowking's room is south from Machamp's room. However, he came from that corner in the West. He could be the killer. Take note, he has Psychic powers too! Why do you suspect me..." What treachery is this! How dare Alakazam suddenly mention me? I instantly regretted my decision to hide then. It completely backfired. Luckily, before Alakazam managed to complete his sentence, Conkeldurr had already launched a Retaliate attack, which killed Alakazam on the spot. It seemed like Conkeldurr did not listen to Alakzam's attempt to accuse me. Thank Arceus for Conkeldurr's rock bottom IQ.

"Rejoice! We have eliminated the murderer!" Conkeldurr became very jolly. "See, I did my math. One typical Retaliate would not have KO-ed Alakazam unless he was the one who killed my friend! The extra power from this condition would kill Alakazam, proving that he is the murderer! Look, the reason for the lack of Pokemon wounds is because of Alakazam using his Psychic powers to control the brick wall. You guys agree with me don't you?" Togekiss seemed doubtful. "Slowking, can you use your Psychic powers to read the minds of us so we can know who is the murderer?" she asked. "Nope, that is banned. Nice try Pokemon." Mewtwo's mechanical voice blared from the room. "And I declare that Machamp and Alakazam have died." Conkeldurr looked up eagerly, hoping to find affirmation that the murderer was found. "However, sorry to say, the murderer is still amongst you Pokemon!"

We were astonished.


Knowing that the murderer was still among the remaining Pokemon, each Pokemon moved away from one another. All were afraid of being in close proximity to the unknown the Pokemon were wondering what logical explanation could account for the fallacy in Conkeldurr's logic, no one saw the trickle of purple blood from Alakazam, which signified a critical hit.

Author's note : The colour of the blood has no relation to Alakazam or any critical hit in the Pokemon games and Anime. I just wanted to include a hax factor here.

Author's Note : Please leave some reviews and suggestions! I am new to fanfiction so please do not flame. Thanks a bunch

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