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Chapter 14 Epilogue


After a year, Slowking was just idling in his study room when his son Slowpoke crawled into the room.

Slowpoke caught sight of a yellow amulet on the desk. Curiosity took the better of him.

"Daddy! What is that object?" Slowpoke asked.

"Err… let me see. This yellow amulet has words in it. Let me read them… Winner of the Fantasy Games. Reward: 1 year of luxury Pokefood. Oh… so that explains the food we got! One mysterious van would turn up every single day to deliver tasty food to us. I think I won this in an event." Slowking replied.

"Can I join it? Please?" Slowpoke clamoured.

"Okay, let me contact the organizer. It seems to be this weird Pokemon called Mewtwo. Let me see his contact number. Err… 'Register here at 6612345'. Okay, let me sign you up for this event."

Slowking dialed the number, and received a confirmation. "The event would be held in 2 days time. We wish you a pleasant day." The clockwork voice of a Mr. Mime was loud and clear.

Inside the Fantasy, Mewtwo laughed till there were no more tears in his eyes.

~~~~ THE END ~~~~

Author's Note : Please leave some suggestions to how I can improve. Just like everyone else, I need advice on improving my story. Thanks you

As you can see, there is a sequel coming soon.

PS: If you are confused on how Tropius carried out the murders, please read on to find out.

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