It was a dream?

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My eyes snapped open and I slam my godforsaken alarm clock off.

" it was a dream?" My question is answered as I feel my white sheets stick firmly to my knee and a painful annoyance in between my legs.

"Yup." I sighed. This wasn't the first time I've had wet dreams about Ryan.

I mean I'm not gay.... At least I don't think so. I kinda just accept the fact that I have a slight crush on him. But I don't like any other guys or get aroused when I see a dick it's just.... I don't know with Ryan it's just something about him.

I flop out of bed stumbling into the washroom and run the water.

I wait for it to heat up and crawl in admiring how it satisfied my morning coldness due to the separation of my now-soiled bed.

I roll my eyes as I remembered the 7
And a half inches of pure pain. I grab my soap and begin relieving it the only way I really could.

" hey Bren!" Jon's preppy voice squeaks as I become visible to him
Nearing the bus stop.

" hey Jon." I say duly still half asleep.

" what's wrong brenny?" He asks as a finally arrive fully at the bus stop.

" your wayyyy to happy in the morning!" I groan.

" hey train tracks!" I hear a distant call instantly knowing who it is.

I feel a hand grip my shoulders and turn me around.

" 5 bucks NOW !"

" no Brent I just gave you 2 dollars yesterday so you and your goons could buy a pop. "

Sadly what happened in my dream kinda twisted the scenario. Brent and his assholes did take 2 bucks from me but sadly Ryan Ross never bought me my food and then made sweet , sweet love to me in the handicapped stall of the boys washroom.

" the fuck you just say urie?" I felt drips of spit land awkwardly on my cheek as he got in my face.

" break it up dumbasses I gotta get you shit-Heads to school by 8:30." I mentally sighed at the sound of our bus driver.

Brent pushed away from me and schoffed " this isn't over URIE!" He walked to the back of the bus and me and Jon sat in any available seats as the crowded bus speed off.


" bonjour!" Madame deans chimed waddling into our first-period- class room happily.

I was lost in thought still distressed about this morning but I did notice the sudden change in volume as the class went silent.

" how may I help you mr. Ross?" My head snapped towards the door giving me whip lash but it was worth it to see Ryan lean against the frame of the door obliviously fuelling fantasies for later tonight.

" ugh is there a brendon Uriel here?" All air left me.

" ITS URIE!" I squealed excitedly popping out of my seat running eagerly to the door not caring that he got my name wrong.

" umm ya could you like come with me?" I nodded still fan-girling.

I shut the door behind us and started to walke behind him.

" so brendon you can sing right?"

Panic at the highschool ( a ryden fic)Where stories live. Discover now