The Big Show

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Ok, first of all, can I just say this: 1k views. 1K VIEWS. I CANNOT BELIEVE I GOT 1K VIEWS ON THIS BOOK. I NEVER THOUGHT IN A MILLION YEARS I WOULD EVER GET 1K VIEWS. So thank you guys, thank you all. Your comments, requests, everything. Anyways, here's some important info about this chapter!:

My Readers! As you can see, this chapter is called: The Big Show. Can you guess wat this chapter is gonna be about? If you think this chapter is gonna be about performances for the Sanses and Frisks, then YOU. ARE. CORRRRRRECT! So, be prepared for something that will be (hopefully) AMAZING!! This is something that I've actually been wanting to do for awhile, and now I'm doing it!! Also, here's a big part of this chapter: IM GIVING MEEE OWN REQUESTSSS!! So, with the mixes of your requests and my requests, this chapter is gonna be awesome :3. Anyways, I've been blabbering to much. Hope you enjoy!



UT! Sans: Uh...Dream...are you alright?

YES! I am COMPLETELY sane! Don't worry (sure you are Dream)

UT! Frisk: so what requests do we have today??

Well, this isn't a normal request day...YOU GUYS ARE PERFORMINGGGGG!!

G! Sans: What? What do you mean 'performing'

I mean that you guys are going to do various performances such as singing, dancing, all that pizazz (I just realized that it looks like it says pizza)

UFell! Sans: This is just great...*sarcasm*

I know! So, first request- or should I say, 'performance' >:3



I dare Frisk and Sans do a duet song: I Hate You, I Love You


UT! Frisk: Huh? What's that song?

UFresh! Frisk: Mah duette, it's a pretty sad song

UT! Sans: About what?

UFresh! Sans: About these two people who untied the knot and are not feeling so radical about it

UT! Sans: Uh...'untied the knot'? What the heck does that mean??


UT! Sans: I just...don't. :|

UFresh! Sans: *sigh* Think about it bro. You know what it means when two people 'tie the knot' right?

UT! Sans: Yeah...but how- oh wait- OHHHHH

UFresh! Sans: Yyyyyyyup.

G! Sans: Let's listen to it

Imma put the song right here if your viewers want to listen to it to.:

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