Chapter 2

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No copyright intended. Characters are used under the Fair Use Act. Gabriel Agreste, Mrs. Agreste, Adrien Agreste, and Master Fu are owned by Zag and Netflix. The other characters are my own invention. 

I curled my fist in frustration. Where was it? That book Gabriel studied for hours at a time. I stood behind his desk pawing through his notes and books. But this book. It wasn't there.

I groaned. What now? I sat in the desk chair and slumped over. I needed this book before Gabriel made things worse.

Riker would've known how to stall. That was his gift. I snickered at myself. It was ironic Riker had held the turtle miraculous because he wasn't slow at all. Riker was the one who pushed everyone to the limits. He was always going, never taking a break.

It all seemed like such a long time ago. Back when we were a team. Riker, the turtle. Venetia, the fox. Jiya, the bee. Xander, the moth. Me, the peacock.

The team that Master Fu assembled to keep Paris safe. But he made a mistake. We couldn't keep Paris safe. We couldn't even keep each other safe.

I learned quickly that Riker was a snake. We were supposed to be a team, working together for the greater good. Riker was interested in being in charge. He was always pushing us to take his side, dividing us in half.

There was one day, after a hollowing defeat that Riker simply snapped.

"You should have been following my orders," Riker screamed.

"We are a team Riker, you don't give the orders."

"Then who does?" He scoffed. "You?" He accused.

"We work together, end of story."

"Riker's right," Piped up Venetia. Her fox ears quivered. "We need a leader. Someone to follow. Someone who can make the hard decisions."

Xander rolled his eyes. "Venetia, are you always going to take his side?"

"Xander has a point." Jiya said quietly. "Venetia's not being objective. If anyone should lead, it's Xander. He's more logical and strategic than the rest of us. That's why he has the moth miraculous. The ability to make and control superheroes can't belong to just anybody."

I cringed. Jiya meant well, but her matter of fact tone and complete honesty was going to get us into more trouble.

Venetia's tail swished back and forth furiously.

"If anyone is going to lead us it will be Master Fu." I said.

"That old man?"

"He gave us the miraculous, Riker. He deserves a little respect. He knows more about them than anyone."

"She's right," Xander agreed. "If we need a decision to be made it should be Master Fu not one of us."

"I say we take a vote." Riker said.

"I'm with Riker," Venetia crossed her arms.

Jiya looked from Riker to Xander. "I'm with Xander."

"Now who's being objective?" Venetia taunted.

Riker looked at me, "Well?"

"We're a team. We work together. Not for someone."

Riker growled. "Then I'm through."

"Riker!" Venetia cried. She grabbed his arm.

He pushed her away, "I'm going solo." Then he stormed out. 

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