Chapter 4

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No copyright intended. Characters are used under the Fair Use Act. Gabriel Agreste, Mrs. Agreste, Adrien Agreste, and Nathalie are owned by Zag and Netflix. The story is my own.

I growled in aggravation bent over the desk in Gabriel's study. Gabriel promised he wouldn't spend anymore time searching for the miraculous. He lied.
The door swung opened and Gabriel stepped inside rushing around furiously. Suddenly he stopped.
"What are you doing in here?" He asked.
"You promised you would stop."
"Now, listen,--"
"That was three years ago Gabriel! Three years ago that you promised. So you what? You kept searching behind my back after you promised not too?"
"I, erm, no." Gabriel scratched his head. "I did stop. But then I got bored. My job-"
"You got bored? What about me? What about Adrien?"
"I checked all those business trips you went on. None of them were for your business, Gabriel! Do you even know what's happening with the board?"
"Nathalie takes care of that." He shrugged.
I held up a stack of papers, "sales reports from the past three years. Sales have plummeted. The company may have to file bankruptcy."
"I wouldn't have had to do my research in secret if you had been supporting me," he screamed.
"That didn't matter very much though did it? You kept searching anyway." I said coldly.
"You're obsessed and I'm done here, Gabriel. I'm taking Adrien and we're going to see my family."
"For how long?" He growled.
"I don't know." I said sadly.
I stormed out of his office and found Adrien sitting at the bottom of the stairs within earshot of everything that had just been said. Tears filled his eyes.
"Why are you and daddy shouting?"
My heart twisted tenderly. "Daddy and I had a disagreement. It's nothing for you to worry about."
Adrien sniffed. "Was it about me?"
"Of course not, mon cheri." I said trying to calm my 6-year-old boy.
I got on my knees. "We are going to take a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa. Doesn't that sound fun?"
Adrien rubbed his arm across his face. "Is daddy coming?"
I cringed. "Not this time."
"How long are we going to stay with them?"
"I don't know." I whispered, more to myself than to Adrien.
I scooped him up in my arms. "Let's go upstairs and pack. We are leaving today."
I loved Gabriel. But I couldn't risk him finding out. And I wasn't going to let Adrien get caught in the middle.
If Gabriel continued searching he would find out I was a miraculous holder. And I had to be ready to disappear when that happened. My worst fear had come true. I lost my husband to his own greed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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