Party Murder

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Chapter 4

            Alyssa and Taylor had spent most of the day decorating for the party, and making food. When Alyssa was making Brownies, Taylor went home to shower and change clothes. Alyssa offered clothing, but Taylor denied because she doesn’t like the clothes typical teenage girls wear. Unlike Alyssa and her other friends, she didn’t care about popularity or social statuses, she cared about things that are important.

Three hours later Alyssa’s and Taylor ‘s other friends Phil, Jason, Elizabeth, and Madison had come. They were all talking and laughing when Alyssa got a text from Robert.

Alyssa read the text.

“Guys, guys, guys,” Alyssa began getting everyone’s attention, “Robert’s not going to be able to make it.

“What, why?” Madison asked.

“He got grounded.” Alyssa said a little annoyed with Madison

“Yeah, grounded in the nut house.” Phil added in quietly, but not quite enough so Alyssa wouldn’t hear.

“Excuse me?” Alyssa asked crossing her arms over her chest

“Well, he’s a little weird.” Phil said shrugging his shoulders.

“So?” Alyssa asked, getting angrier at Phil.

“So, he’s not completely sane. He’s obsessed with murder and killing. He also watches horror movies for about seven hours straight.”

“Yeah, and you’re obsessed with Justin Bieber.” Alyssa said shrugging her shoulders while her other friends laughed.

“That was supposed to be a secret!” Phil yelled.

“Yeah, well secrets always come out, Phil.” Alyssa said taking a seat in between Madison and Taylor.

“Whatever Alyssa.” Phil said leaving the room to go get food. They all continued to laugh and talk. Phil still wasn’t back from getting food, but that was expected because Phil ate a lot of food in one sitting.

As Madison was telling a story about her idiotic brother the power went out.

“I’m going to go check the electricity box.” Alyssa said getting up and grabbing a flashlight.

Alyssa went into the laundry room which was where the food was, and what she saw was enough to make her scream. Phil a bloody mess on the floor, dead.

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