(7) Toucha, Toucha, Toucha, Touch Me, I Wanna Be Dirty

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"You can't just show up here, unannounced, and expect me to just let you into my home. What if I have company?" Elizabeth Paulson complains as she lets her best friend into her house. Drew shuffles inside the door, Caitlin leading him up to the redhead, who stands with her hands on her hips.

"Lizzy, you never have company." The brunette says, leaning down to unhook the leash from his puppy's collar.

"Now I really don't want you in my house." Lizzy jokes, jumping back on top of her kitchen island which is where she sits every morning when eating her breakfast. Drew jumps up next to her as Cait runs off to find her only nonhuman friend. "But, for your information, sir, I have met someone new."

"Whoa, okay. Who is this lucky gal?" He asks, breaking off a piece of her donut to eat himself.

"Her name is Mindy. She works at the pet store down the road. You know, the one with the big glasses?"

"She can barely see, like three feet in front of her." Drew reminds her, not wanting his best friend to make a mistake.

"Yeah, but she's not straight and that's the main thing I look for in a girl now." Lizzy shrugs, leaning her head against the boy's shoulder. He lays his head on top of hers and clasps her empty hand in his. "You don't think I'm desperate, do you?"

"Sometimes." He admits. "But, I know where you are coming from. You just want love."

"Talking from experience, I see. How's it going with the infamous Olive Jane, who I have yet to meet?" Caitlin finally makes her way back to the kitchen, running next to an old German Shepard who is able to keep up with long strides. Lizzy has had the old dog for years, but he is still going strong despite his old age.

"Well, I don't think it's a major turn on to introduce her to everyone I know after barely two dates that have both been crashed by her ex, which I'm pretty sure that she's back with now." The brunette tells her as shortly as possible.

"Aw, baby." Lizzy mumbles, squeezing his hand before moving her head to kiss his shoulder. "If I wasn't a lesbian, I would totally date you." He laughs at her for a second before raising her hand to return the kiss.

"I wouldn't date you in a million years. You're too complicated." He teases her.

"Good because I would only date you out of sympathy." She leans forward to pet her old dog before crumbling up the napkin that she used to hold her breakfast. "Why are you here, Drew? I don't keep Caitlin on weekends."

The redhead has been keeping her best friend's puppy for as long as he has had her. Lizzy works night shifts at a 24-hour diner, but she doesn't work too late. She works six to one every day and is able to sleep from then until nine when Drew brings by Cait and breakfast. In exchange for a daily coffee and breakfast sandwich, Drew always gets a free meal whenever he goes to her work. She figures it's the least she could do for her friend that has stuck with her through everything.

"How am I supposed to get Olive back? I mean, did I ever really have her in the first place?" Drew asks as Lizzy steps off the island.

"Well, I don't know. But just one word of advice, don't sing anything from Rocky Horror to her, okay?" She says as both serious and a joke while placing her hands on her friend's knees. He places a hand on cheek to cup her face as she smiles.

"Well, she sang Toucha, Toucha, Touch Me last night, so she did it. Not me." He laughs when Lizzy does.

"Look, I just don't want you to spend too much time, okay? I love you, and I will support you through everything like you did, but please just promise me that if it doesn't start turning around in another week that you'll call it quits." As much as it hurts Lizzy to say it, she knows that her best friend comes before everything. If she has to hurt her friend so some random girl doesn't, she is okay with that.

Drew slides off of the counter and wraps the quite tall girl in his arms, burying his face into her neck. "I love you, too, and I promise. But this is kind of more than just a little crush." He mutters.

"Do not tell me that you think you love her. Drew Henry Morris, I will not let you fall in love like this." Lizzy says, pushing herself slightly away from him.

"No. No, of course not. I couldn't possibly fall in love with her so soon." He says it to try to convince both her and himself. He knows that falling in love with her would be disastrous, but if it happens, it happens. "I mean, I think that her ex - well, boyfriend might be abusive."

"Honey, you better have solid proof because that is a massive allegation. Where the hell did that even come from?" The girl makes her way to the fridge where she retrieves two bottles of water, tossing one to the brunette.

"I heard a slap once in her place, and then the other day when she was locking her door to leave, her sleeve came up and there was a bruise on her wrist. She also has a cut on her jawline. I don't think that her relationship is as easy as she makes it out to be." Drew tosses the water bottle up in the air repeatedly, catching it for some sort of entertainment.

"Maybe I could talk to her? You got to talk to her best friend, right?"

"Yeah, Matt. I guess, it wouldn't hurt, though, but she is so your type so just keep in mind: Olive is straight." The number of girlfriends that Lizzy has managed to steal from Drew is quite surprising.

"Yeah, I'll stay in line." She groans jokingly, popping on to her toes to kiss his nose. "But, look, if it's not that, you have to give up, okay?"

"I was never much of a quitter."

"Life is full of quitting and quitters, hun. You'll join that some day."

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