(8) I'm The Greatest Star, I Am By Far

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"I've got thirty-six expressions. Sweet as pie and tough as leather. And that's six expressions more than all them Barrymores put together." Drew starts talking but slowly flows into singing. It's been a full week since he talked to Lizzy, and as promised, Drew has pulled away from Olive. The only connection they really have with each other is their daily showers.

"I wouldn't have plagued you for a Barbra Streisand fan." Olive comments through the wall, squeezing shampoo on to her hand. She waits for an answer like always, but one never comes. She's growing used to the silence from the boy next door, and it pains her to know that it is her fault.

She sings along and tries to keep her voice as clear and powerful as always when she scrubs her hand over one of the purple bruises peppering her skin. She doesn't even realize that the cut on her face has opened until she sees the blood running down her arm. She quickly washes the blood from her arm while holding her fingers tightly over the cut, getting soap in the wound which only makes it hurt worse. She rushes to get out of the shower and pokes toilet paper against the blood. She pulls on her pajama pants covered in toucans before placing two small white bandages on either end of the cut in attempt to keep it closed.

Staring into the mirror, Olive hates how she looks. The bandages on her face and the bruising around her eye. Not to mention the bags that have been manifesting from little to no sleep at night. The last time that she was able to get a proper good night's sleep was the night that Drew stayed with her.

While brushing her teeth, the girl continues to listen to her neighbor. By the time that he ends, she has spit and put on the over-sized black t-shirt she sleeps in. She waits a few minutes, wondering around her apartment for him to get dressed and settled before making her way next door. It's been so long since she has actually seen or talked to Drew and thinks that their reunion is terribly overdue.

She checks to see if his doorbell is lit up but finds it broken just like hers. The probability that something is actually going to work in the apartment building is very low. She raps her knuckles on the white painted wood and waits for him to open the door. "Liz - Olive?" Drew says, clearly expecting his best friend rather than neighbor. She pokes a piece of wet hair behind her ear and waves once.

"Um, can we talk about, you know, us, maybe?" Olive says, tripping around her words, similar to how Drew was the first time he asked her out. The brunette boy nods and opens the door for her. She walks into the apartment and wraps her arms tightly around his waist.

"Hey, hey, you okay?" Drew says, shoving the door closed before crossing his arms across her back, holding her head on to his shoulder as she begins crying. "Hey, Olive?"

"Look, I know that I can't just ignore you for a week and then expect everything to be normal, but I couldn't. I couldn't do that to you because I'm so broken. You're so put together and - and I just thought that I'd break you, too." The girl mumbles out against his shoulder. Over the years she has learned to stop crying when she had to, but her tears keep flowing no matter how much she tries to make them stop. "You just wanted a normal girlfriend for once, but you chose me, and I just can't be that. And I'm sorry that I led you on and made you think that I could do it, but I can't. I just constantly ruin so many great guys, and I can't believe I actually ruined you, too."

"Shh, I got you. I've got you." Drew whispers quietly, stepping back from her carefully to hold her cheeks in his hands. He wipes away her tears with his thumbs as she continues to stand before him, trying to make some point. "You didn't ruin me, okay? I'm fine." He reminds her.

"You're not fine. I can hear you crying sometimes through the walls. I know you can hear me, too." Olive sniffles, finally free of tears falling. She holds on to the taller boy's hands as he leans his forehead against hers. He slowly leans down further to kiss her carefully. She thinks long before kissing him back, hating herself even further than she already does. The kisses become more rushed and rough as Olive finally lets go. She lets Drew kiss her, even though she still technically has a boyfriend. At this time, she can't be bothered to care, she's just enjoying feeling happy and loved.

She pulls away when he moves his hand from her cheek, pulling on of the bandages off with him. "I'm sorry." She breathes quietly, pressing her fingers against the cut in hopes that it won't start bleeding.

"No, you don't have to be sorry. Let me go get you another." He smiles shortly before turning to walk to his bathroom. Olive wanders over and flops down on his couch as she feels her fingers get sticky with blood. She throws her back on to the back of his couch and groans while clenching her eyes shut as if she could make everything stop. She feels something heavy fall on to her lap and looks down to see the Dalmatian's head on her thighs.

"Hey, Caitlin." She coos, scratching the dog between the ears as Drew emerges from his room.

"She misses you a lot, you know." The brunette boy notes, sitting down on his coffee table. He leans forward, ripping open a disinfectant wipe. He offers it to Olive, but she shakes her head before angling it to where he has easiest access.

"I miss her a lot, too. I've never had a dog before. Or any pet really." She admits, trying to not move her mouth too much as she speaks.

"This might hurt a bit." He warns before pressing the cold object against her face.

"I know, but I trust you." She mutters, trying to not wince away from the pain.

"Can you tell me something, if you trust me?" She nods shortly, gesturing for him to finish. "Ben, is he... Does he hurt you?" Olive pops her lips and looks across the room at his bedroom door rather than at him.

"Don't worry about me. I'm a tough girl." The girl finally smiles as Drew carefully places the bandage on her jawline. "Look, I want to spend so much time with you. I want to get to know you and date you, but just let me handle this thing with Ben, okay? I'll call you soon." She kisses Drew quickly before retreating back to her apartment.

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