(10) You're The One That I Want, Honey

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"So, that's my new little place. It's a bit bigger than this one, but it's still super small. They allow dogs which means that Caitlin better come visit me a lot. There's a washer and dryer, so I won't have to go anywhere to do it. It's also in a much better part of town." Olive says, showing Drew the pictures of her new apartment. She leans against the brunette who sits behind her in the middle of his living room. He leans against the couch, and Cait lies next to him up on the couch.

"It's close to where my best friend lives. She lives about ten miles into the next town." He responds, burying his chin in her shoulder as he looks back up to his TV playing Grease.

"That's good. You go there every day, don't you? Maybe we can still find a way to walk together, somehow." She smiles happily, leaning her head against his. She had finally learned how Drew was able to walk all the way to his job which was quite far from his apartment. She always knew that he took the bus, but she didn't understand how he could with Caitlin, but after finding out that the bus driver was his second cousin and allowed her on his bus made more sense. He would take a bus into the next town and walk to Lizzy's house to drop off Cait before walking a few blocks to the cafe.

A lot had happened in her last month. She ended up quitting her internship from the publishing company and now has a job as a journalist for a newspaper. The office is located closer to her new apartment which worked out great for the move. She heard from one of Ben's friends that he was recently arrested for a DUI, but somehow she still felt she was to blame for everything. Her relationship with Drew has only gotten stronger, and since the first time since her sophomore year of college, she can finally say that she officially has a boyfriend who isn't Ben Thomas.

"I can't believe that you don't like Grease." The boy says, reaching for popcorn in the bowl resting on her lap. "You're literally the only girl I know that doesn't like it."

"I find it corny. The songs are mediocre, if that. It's just not my cup of tea, I guess." She shrugs, earning a laugh from her boyfriend.

"So, no chance I'll get to hear you sing a Sandy song?" He teases, tossing a piece of popcorn at the brunette girl.

"Probability is very unlikely." She giggles. "And I will not sing with you if you sing a song from Grease. I don't think I even know a full song except for You're The Want That I Want, which is by far the most annoying of all the songs." Drew begins singing Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee loudly into her ear, and Olive swats him away, trying to wiggle out of his embrace. "Okay, maybe it's not the worse."

"You have to like one of the songs." He says, scooting to sit beside her.

"If I have to pick one, then Beauty School Dropout." She answers after a long pause of thinking.

"I thought you were going to say Greased Lightning." He reaches to pause the movie right before the ending song. Olive shrugs, wrinkling her nose. "You were also singing quietly to Summer Nights."

"Maybe just half the songs are mediocre. Or maybe it's their voices. I don't know, but I won't admit that I might like Grease." She says, holding a piece of popcorn in her hand for Cait to eat. "I'd rather be in denial for the rest of my life." Drew scoffs jokingly before grinning at her. He raises a hand to caress her cheek but moves aside part of her hair. There's a long scar left from where Ben's ring had cut her the last time he hit her. The cut on her chin has healed completely as well as the bruises.

Olive always has to wear her hair parted to the left now because the scar cuts into her scalp, making it unable for hair to grow in the certain place. The only way that her hair looks mostly normal is pulled over her head. The style is beginning to grow on her, so it doesn't bother her nearly as much as it did at the start of the month.

"I should probably head home." She mutters after checking the time on her phone. "We have to get up early to start moving boxes." Drew smiles at how happy she becomes anytime she talks about her apartment.

"Are you going to shower first?" He asks. The question has become quite normal between the couple, even though it often sounds weird.

"I would hate to break our tradition now." Olive smiles before leaning over to kiss her boyfriend. She exits the apartment after petting Caitlin and many more kisses. Once next door, she sets her phone on her bed which is about the only big furniture that hasn't been moved yet. She undresses and brings her pajamas into the bathroom. Drew's shower is already running which doesn't surprise her, but she definitely surprises him when she begins singing the final number in Grease.

He quickly takes over the Danny part leaving her to sing Sandy's. "You'd better shape up because I need a man, and my heart is set on you." Olive knows that she's going to miss these duets with Drew, but she knows that it will just make it more special to hear Drew's voice singing to her. She smiles too herself, loving the way that she feels. It's almost pure happiness. Olive can't even remember the last time she felt so gleeful and happy. 

"Do you know Hopelessly Devoted To You?" The boy next door shouts so she can hear him.

"Unfortunately." She replies before beginning to sing it with him.

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