Chapter Eight

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Ohaidere! It's been a busy week.. :S sowwy.... Buy new chapter?



*Mitch's P.O.V.*

I woke up, no Jerome. Did I dream? Probably, especially since I was in the house... Never remembered going to sleep. Never mind that though. I have to find Jerome. (dundundun ondaway dundundun ondaway)

------Time Skip-Still Looking..-----

I've been walking for a while, a couple hours at the most. I might be lost... Which way was it again? West, I think... Yeah. It was west, going the complete wrong way. Dang.

So, I keep on walking. Almost there though. Mu surroundings are seeming more familiar the farther I walk, good sign. In a matter of minutes I actually see the tree house this time.

I quicken my pace, and run into the house. Quickly climbing the ladder to get up to the door.

"JEROME?" I called into the house. I think of the dream again. I just need Jerome. As I walk farther into the house, I hear silent crying.

"Jerome?" I call again, moving to the noise. It's Jerome, sitting, crying in a corner. "Hey, Jerome." I whisper, hugging him.

"You don't hate me then?" He sniffled, ceasing his crying.

"Of course not, you're my biggums, and my bacca." I say to him.

"I love you, Mitch." Jerome whispered to me. I hugged him tighter.

"I love you, too, Jerome." I leaned in and kissed him. When we broke apart, I spoke again.

"Come on, Jerome, there are people that I want you to meet. They are probably looking for me, too." I said, helping him up from the floor. We then started on the journey to the Team Crafted base.

------Time Skip because Traveling is boring------

We finally made it back to the base. Time to go see Emily, and if she can help.

We walk indoors, and are met with many people. I soon spot Emily with Jake, and some others.

I pull Jerome over, keeping him close. There was another bacca there, and In heard Jerome gasp besides me.

"Mitch! You're back!" Emily called as we reached them. "Is that Jerome?" I nodded.

"Oh, well, this," She points to the bacca. "Is Harper." Jerome gasped again.

"Jerome, are you okay?" I whispered to only him.

"Yes, I think I know her..." He looked over at the bacca, she was tall by the looks of her. She had a pet wolf with her, and she had many cuts and scars on her body. She was wearing a black leather jacket, black jeans and combat boots. She looked tough.

She looked up at us, and showed us her glowing blue eyes; they widened with shock. "Jerome?!" she asked obviously exited and confused.

"Hi, Harper." Jerome giggled, and she gave him a large hug. "I missed you Jerome, how have you been?"

"Okay, I suppose." He looked at the floor, tearing up a bit. At that point was crying, so I had to go and comfort him.

I hugged him. "Hey, Jerome, it's okay." I whispered to him. "If it makes you that sad, don't talk about it, okay?"

"I have to tell her, she's an old friend." He said, looking back over at Harper. "After you helped me escape and you being taken by the scientists, my parents found me. We were able to make a house in the woods." He stopped for a second.

"Go ahead, Jerome." Harper motioned for him to continue, he nodded.

"After we settled, we were found out and my parents were killed. I had to live on my own after that." He paused. "But about two three-ish months ago, Mitch here fell into a ravine, so I had to help him." He grinned.

"It's not my fault you ran from me and led me over a ravine!" We both started laughing.

"Well, I'm going to bed. You two have fun out here..." And then she walked out of the room.

"Wow," I heard Cooki say with a confused kind of sigh.

"Do you guys want to sleep, or do you want to go meet the others?" Emily walked over to us, Jake probably went to sleep already.

"But anyway," she continued. "This is Adam, and this is Ty." She pointed to the boys in turn, the first one had curly brown hair and a medallion if sone sort around his neck, and was wearing sunglasses. The second was smaller, and had fluffy brown hair covering one of his eyes, and he had a green and black headset on.

"Oh hi there," The on I think is called Adam, said to us. "You are?"

"Oh, I'm Mitch, and this is Jerome." I said pointing to him. Out if the corner of my eye I see Cooki and Emily leave the room. It's late.

"Ty? It's getting late, can you help me show them somewhere they can stay?" Adam asked, looking at him.

"Sure, let's go." He smiled lightly, grabbed Adam's hand and yelled over his shoulder. "Come on! What are you waiting for?!"


Chapter eight completo!

I feel like it's a bad chapter O.o

But anyway.... xD Today is apparently Rage's birthday, (March 31) so he gets a happy b-day, too :3 lol

Hope you enjoyed the chapter anyway....

~K BAI!~

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