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Hannah's POV

I threw my book bag into my locker. Due to the already overflowing clutter, it hung up easily, not really having anywhere else to go. I paused my music, took the earbuds out of my ears, and unhooked them from my phone. I put them in the side pocket of my bag, and put my phone in the back pocket of my black skinny jeans. I unzipped my book bag, and took out all the school-related materials that I brought home the night before. I put them in their assigned spots in my locker. Why did I bring so many things home, I groaned.

Now that my book bag was empty of the materials, I pulled out my math binder, and homework. First period. Check.

After I was done, I snached my sketchbook from the folds of my book bag. I pushed lock of hair from my face, and took a deep breath, before heading down the hall to math class.

I passed all the kids, who were just standing there, and they looked at me. "The bell doesn't ring for 20 minute Hannah." On the kids pointed out. I didn't answer back. I just kept walking. My black converse padded along the floor as I walked into the classroom.

The math teacher was there as usual. He waved hello, and then looked back to his work. He was used to me coming in early.

Mr. Jones was a strict guy. He expected nothing but the best, and thankfully Hannah gave him the best, so they were friends.

He had sun bleached blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. He wore khaki skinny jeans, and a blue button-up-shirt.

I took my seat, three rows across, two rows down. I shoved my binder underneath the desk, and opened my sketchbook. It was a simple pad, with the text reading, "Mixed Media Sketchbook". I liked to watercolor, ink my drawings, and dabble in different styles.

Currently I was working a a piece the was only halfway sketched. One of my readers had requested that I draw myself, and I accepted the challenge. So far I had sketched out the body. I was wearing my usual black converse, and wearing a plaid grey and black shirt, along with my blue skinny jeans.

I started to work of the head, giving her shoulder length hair, held up in a ponytail. I made sure to add the infinity of curls bouncing around my head, sprouting in different places. I was ending the sketch with dotting a few freckles along the nose, when the bell rang, telling the students to get to class. Of course, they would be a couple minutes late, seeing that they just start to walk, when the bell rings.

I threw my book closed, not wanting anyone to see my art. I wasn't proud of it, and didn't want anybody to prove my anxiety correct. I reached under my desk to retrieve my binder, and put my sketchbook away. I pulled my homework from last night and stood alert. As soon as I did, the first wave of kids walked through the door.

Max was chewing loudly on a piece of gum, Anna was talking to Lilly, loudly. Not to mention Gene was talking to himself, l o u d l y.

I liked school, but my peers ruined everything. The boys were so immature and the girls cared too much. I couldn't have a conversation with a girl in my class, without them reapplying their makeup. I couldn't have a conversation with a boy in my class, period.

"Sit down," Mr. Jones said lazily from his desk. The kids made their way to their desks slowly. I leaned a bit closer to hear what they were saying.

"Oh my word, did you hear?" Lilly asked Anna. "No, you haven't told me yet," Anna snapped.

"Well I heard, that Raina told Maddie, to frick off, and keep her hands off Liam." Liam was Raina's boyfriend, and she was very protective.

"Well, I heard that Maddie tried to make a move on Liam, last Tuesday, at her party."

"That slut," Lilly spat and Anna nodded in agreement.

All the sudden a tanned girl with brown hair was behind my desk. She shoved past me. "Get out of my way prick." I was quite offended, but knew not to argue. The two girls were still talking and they obviously didn't see Maddie.

Maddie quickly shoved Anna, getting her attention. Anna glared. "You wanna go??"

"Watch me beyotch'!" Maddie said, taking a step closer. Anna looked like she was going to scratch Maddie's eyes. They were attracting a crowd now. Nobody seemed to notice me so I kept watching. There was a headache building up, but I ignored it.

The girls were just shooting daggers back and forth when the headache began to pick up until I couldn't ignore it anymore. I would have to just ask what happened after. I quickly got up and went to Mr. Jones. He was half asleep, so I wasn't surprised that he was oblivious about the fight happening. "Um, I have to go to the bathroom." Mr. Jones just nodded but I don't think he even saw me.

As I walked out of the room I couldn't take it anymore. I started to sprint to the nearest bathroom. When I arrived I flung the door open, and slammed the stale door closed. I feel to the ground, the pain starting to take over. I curled up into a ball and rocked myself back and forth, tears rolling down my face, just wishing for it to be over. Soon dark thoughts were flooding my brain.

What if this never ends?

What if I have to walk around all the time, silently crying?

I closed my eyes, and shut the world out. The world slowly dimmed and I felt my body fall limp.


me: anna
my mind: anal

word count: 1034

The Revolutionists'जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें