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Ryan's POV

"Why don't you want to eat your pizza?" My friend, Sam, asked inquisitively, for the 8th time today. "Okay, if you're so interested in, if my pizza is eaten, then just freaking eat it yourself," I snapped coldly, sliding the uneaten slice to him. He shrugged, and started to devour the piece, just like the many one's before it. I wrinkled my nose at his manners. "How do you eat so much, and never get full?" he asked, and soon winced, thinking he would take it at as insult.

Thankfully, he didn't comment on it, "I don't know, how do you eat so little, and not get hungry?" I just shrugged. "I dunno, guess I'm just never hungry..," I trailed off, not wanting to get into my eating habits. He didn't continue, and became indulged in his food again.

After the lunch bell rang, and dismissed the class; the remaining headache still lingered. It would leave for a short period of time, and just when I thought it had disappeared, the nightmare was back. So I basically spent my whole school day in hell.

Sam didn't seem to notice. He wondered, when in gym, I told my teacher I didn't have my clothes, so I didn't have to participate. He was concerned when I turned down his request to blow up the remaining scraps in technology. But he didn't ask nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" Louie asked, after science, 7th period. Louie was a good friend of mine. He had been with me since forever, and hadn't given up on me yet. "Yeah I'm okay I guess," I mumbled, not really knowing what to say, but happy he had asked. "Hey," he said, looking me square in the eye. He stared me down, searching my face for anything. "You're not okay," he said, take a step back.

I sighed, "my head just hurts."


"Yeah," I said sulking.

Louie looked at me sadly. I knew he didn't know how to help. Migraines weren't something that could be helped much. People couldn't see what was happening. And when they do, they feel helpless, because they don't know what to do. I understood, and I usually don't tell people because of that. I put a smile on my face, and kept it a secret. Nobodies seen my pain yet, and I don't intend for them to anytime soon.

But obviously Louie likes to pry open my feelings.

He turned around and grabbed something from his bag.

A heating pad...

It was a rectangular pad that held a good amount of heat. Louie carried these around because many times in the day he would fall asleep and it would hurt his neck, when he awoke.

These pads were like a heavenly gift. They loosed up your neck and relaxed you enough for your headaches to die down a bit.

"Thank you!" I said gratefully and accepted to pad. I put it on my neck quickly, and I felt the knots and numbs untangle.

I sighed with contentment and looked at my watch. The relaxed feeling was stripped away when I realized we had 2 minutes to get to our next class. Not to mention it was with Mr. Montè((I stg Ashton)) and he was the strictest teacher in our grade.

"shit," I muttered. Louise quickly understood and we took off.

sorry for the wait in uploading. Schools a b u t t and I've been having depressive thoughts. This whole month and a half has been a huge swing of emotions for me :,)

ps, louie is going to be pretty important in the chapters ahead(idk right now he is, but my thoughts on books change everyday)

ilu all :D

word count: 623

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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