(3)Bruises and Brains

12 2 24

Craig's POV

"Craig," The teacher said, calling on the boy who was raising his hand so vigorously. I stood alert and spat the answer back. The teacher- Miss Stone was her name- turned her back to the class. "It's quite humiliating to have to call on Craig," she started her usual speech. "The only one who knows the answer. To have to accept that none of you, care enough to try."

Miss Stone was a young woman. She was just about 30, and she certainly didn't show it. She wasn't a nonchalant kind of teacher, but she was pretty lenient in the homework. In fact, the class barley ever got homework, 4th period with her. So I honestly don't see why the kids are complaining. It's not much to ask for kids to do their, once-a-week-homework.

Miss Stone had light blonde hair and dazzling brown eyes, that could turn dangerous at any given time. She liked to come to school in dresses, and today she was wearing a constellation dress. The stars were splattered everywhere, and the constellations hooked a good number of them together.

Some of the class looked down in shame. But most of them looked over and glared at me. What?? It's not my dark you didn't raise your hand.

I didn't appreciate when Miss Stone called me out. I understand her thinking, but it's obviously not working. She thinks she can guilt these kids into doing their homework. It's halfway through the school year- she should pick up a hint. Not to mention, I have absolutely no friends because of it. I mean, I didn't have any friends, anyway, but this definitely doesn't help to cause. In fact, if anything, I made enemies. It's ridiculous that kids refuse to talk to me, or are pressured into disowning me, because I'm smarter then them.

And! I'm not even that much smarter then them. If they just put a little effort into what they hand in, they would be level with me! But they don't... they don't care... And that's where the fall.


I picked up my math binder and started my way to the door. All the sudden, as I stepped out the door and out of view of Miss Stone, two large boys blocked my way of exit. I looked up at them, horrified. It was Anthony and Percy, two of the meanest kids to pick on me.

"Think you're so smart for outsmarting us in class, eh?" Percy questioned, flipping his black locks once in a while.

Could he pick a worse way to say that? He's just repeating himself.

"Um, no?"

"Well I think he did," Anthony decided. His round pink face, seemed red in the light.

"We didn't appreciate your answer," Percy sneered. Then you try answering once in a while.

"Hmm, I think we need to teach him a lesson,"Anthony announced, his voice dangerous.

Percy nodded and both of them took one arms, and practically dragged me to the boys bathroom.

They backed me into the corner of one of the stalls, and locked the door. "Awe, he looks like he's about to cry," Percy said, whining at the last word. It was true. I was terrified. But I've dealt with these guys before. Not as brutally, but nonetheless. I stood up all, and wiped all showing emotion away. They just both laughed and came closer. Anthony grabbed my shoulders and lifted me off the ground. Percy kneed me in the stomach and pain erupted.

My head suddenly exploded with pain. My thoughts and actions were consumed and I felt my body take control. My mind clouded up and I couldn't think straight. I felt my fist fly up and hit something hard. Percy's jaw. He staggered back in pain. All the sudden the force was gone and I was left with nothing but a splitting headache. I blinked twice, and didn't waste time. I pushed the two surprised boys to the side and darted away, out of the bathroom, and to my next class. The migraine still lingering.


craig: *karate chops rapidly*

sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual. School just started again, and I'm getting a lot of homework :/

hope you're enjoying this book!

I love you all <3

word count: 719

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