First Date

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*Private Conversation between TruestBeliever and Henry'sGF*

TruestBeliever: Hey Violet

Henry'sGF: Hi Henry! What's up?

TruestBeliever: Well, I was wondering...well, we've never officially been on a date yet, and...

Henry'sGF: Henry Mills, are you courting me?

TruestBeliever: Maybe I am. Violet, will you go on a date with me?

Henry'sGF: That depends, where are you taking me? Candlelit dinner at Granny's again?

TruestBeliever: Um...I'm not sure that's a good idea...

Henry'sGF: Oh, right. Sorry

TruestBeliever: Are you free Friday night? I could pick you up at your house

Henry'sGF: That would be great

*Apples! and I'mtheSaviour has entered the chat*

I'mtheSaviour: Aww my son is going on his first date! Isn't it great, Regina?

Apples!: My little boy's all grown up! You'd better be good to him, Violet!

TruestBeliever: Moms!

*TruestBeliever has kicked I'mtheSaviour and Apples! out of the chat*

TruestBeliever: Moms 🙄

Henry'sGF: Don't worry Henry, my dad's embarrassed me before...just nothing like that, that was hilarious 😂

TruestBeliever: Violet!

Henry'sGF: Relax, I'm joking. So...what do you wanna do now?

TruestBeliever: Want to come play MarioKart?

Henry'sGF: Sure. Don't cry when I beat you though

TruestBeliever: You'll never beat me!

*TruestBeliever and Henry'sGF have left the chat to play MarioKart*

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