Disney World

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Credit for this goes to Alldemfanfics, lostgirl2006, and xJustARandomWriterx. Thanks for the pictures! Love ya girls!!

xJustARandomWriterx: TO DISNEY WORLD!

*half an hour into the ride*

xJustARandomWriterx: Are we there yet?

Alldemfanfics: No, now shut the hell up

*5 minutes later*

xJustARandomWriterx: Are we there yet?

Alldemfanfics: How about no?! Now shut the bloody hell up before I tape your mouth shut

*2 minutes later*

xJustARandomWriterx: Are we there yet?

Alldemfanfics: Sorry buddy. You asked for it. *pulls out tape she keeps in her pocket*

Killian: Why on earth do you have tape in your pocket?

Alldemfanfics: At times like this, you need it, captain. *smirks and proceeds to apply a generous amount of tape to make sure she cannot hear "are we there yet" again*

Alldemfanfics: All done!

*driving into Disney*

Officer: Good day. I see there is a good bunch of you here. May I check your car?

Pan: Why certainly not!

Officer: Why not?

Emma: He means yes. He's just a bit delusional, you see. Just proceed in checking so we can get in there.

Officer: Well well well, what do we have here? A girl with her mouth taped shut. Care to explain why you are bringing an innocent girl with her mouth taped into the premises?

Alldemfanfics: Simple. I taped her mouth shut because she wouldn't stop asking "Are we there yet?" Any problems officer?

Officer: Yes. Untape her mouth, and you guys may not go into the grounds until further notice.

Everyone: What? Why?

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