Chapter 9: Don't Blame yourself

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Song: i'm so sorry by Imagine Dragons

When I finally open my eyes I see that I indeed was correct and found myself in a hospital, not just any hospital but the one where I worked. I looked besides me to see Peter sleeping in de chair next to my bed. I smiled at the sight and raised my hand to touch him. He shook awake from my touch and a huge smile came on his face when he saw I was awake. He took my hand and directly started apologizing.
"Peter don't." I say firm.
"But I almost got you killed." He replied sad.
"But I am not dead now or am I?"
"But it is my fault that you're laying here." He says beating himself up.
I squeezed his hand "Peter listen to me. I'm not dead and I understand why you never told me you were Spiderman because you wanted to keep me safe and away from the danger. But I'm still here Peter and you don't need to hide anything for me I will except you for who you are and it is not only Spiderman ,Peter. Because Spiderman Is a part of you Peter and believe me those two combined made the Peter Parker that I love."
"But I bring you in danger."
"The world I full of danger, you can't protect me for everything. Just like you couldn't protect Gwen" I tell him.
"You Know about Gwen?" he asks me.
"You told me that she died trying to help you and Green bat said something about the cause of her death. So I put two and two together and came to the conclusion that she was helping Spiderman and that something killed her while you were trying to keep her safe."
"See I'm the cause of her death." He replies sad.
"No Peter you're not, you tried to safe her not only because you save people but because you loved her. The person or thing that killed her is the one to blame not you and don't be afraid to move on and find love again because I know that Gwen would want that even if I didn't know her in person."
He sighed and was about to reply but then the door opened revealing Flash and the doctor. Flash took Peter out of the door so  the doctor could do his checks.

A few hours later I was released and got some strong painkillers for my head but eventually everything would be alright. I thought that I had a whole on the back of my head but luckily it was just a small cut from a pointing stone in the wall and in one week it would be better. I was walking with Peter to his house since he offered for me to stay there. He already got my stuff by breaking in my house as Spiderman. He was telling me the full story of Grace before we reached his house.
"So that was her story." He finished.
"And you see I was right." I reply smiling slightly.
He looked up at me with a sad smile before hugging me tightly "Thank you." He says.
"No thank you for helping me out Peter." I reply back.
He let go of me before unlocking his door and we walked inside. We walked upstairs where Peter showed me the guest room.
"You should rest." He tells me.
"what about work?" I ask him.
"You still have 2 days free and the hospital expect you back next week since you first need to recover." He answers.
"Thank you." I say before closing the door in his face and got ready for bed.

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