Your Affection (Ryoutarou)

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I don't know where I am.

It's dark in front of me, but light behind. Like the sun's setting... Except there is no sun.

I'm on a sharply sloping hill leading down to the ocean. Which is nice. I haven't been to the sea in a long time.

I walk closer to the water's edge and sit down, content to gaze out at the empty horizon.

But the longer I look, the more I notice...

Like how little lights are floating in and out of the bleak, colorless water. And how people on boats are the ones facilitating the exchange of light entering and exiting the pulsating darkness.

But they don't really look like people—The ones I glimpse illuminated by the orbs—

But if they're not people...

Well that leads to more frightening thoughts.

Because I don't think I'm dreaming.

I look down to pinch myself and realize I can't see my body.

Then how did I sit?

—Wait, where am I?

I feel so thirsty... Maybe it's actually a lake and I can drink the water. That's a nice thought. It looks so inviting. I'd love to swim.

I glance down again to see what I'm wearing, only then remembering I can't see my legs or any other part of my body. Which really is disconcerting.

I move closer to the vast sea, only to realize it's a lot further away then I thought. I get frustrated and rest again.

I have this unabating need to go there. It looks pleasant. And inviting. And sheltered.

I feel conflicted. Like my mind wants to relax, but I know I have somewhere to be.

The house...

Something happened at the house...


...But what?

I can't shake it loose, no matter how I look back on the situation. The last thing I remember is saying hello to Nanako—Does she need me?

I back up, attempting to climb to the top of the hill, but I'm not gaining much ground in this direction, either.

One of the boats is pushing up on the shore—

And I don't want to see that Thing up close.

It's dark and towering and moving like the water.

But I can't help being transfixed as It moves toward me.

I don't know how l close it is, though It's voice rings loudly when it talks.

"This is unusual. You are resisting returning to the Sea."

I think I'm lost, I try to say when It waits an uncomfortably long time for an answer. I wait for It to continue, but the thing seems content to give me time.

I was at home... And now I'm here. I think something went wrong.

"No one ends up here by accident. It is meant to be."

It stares through me, like I'm an open book.

Really, there's been some mistake. I need to wake up.

Mukidashite: OretachiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ