"Old Habits Die Hard."

123 2 55

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Hair: Long, White
Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color(s): Her left eye is blue and her right eye is green
Height: 5'1
Bust Size: Medium
Hip Size: Medium
Accessories: On her right ankle, she has a tattoo of a centipede wrapped around it. On her left side of her lower back, on the curve of her butt, she has a yin yang tattoo. She carries a .28 caliber pistol on her person.
Settings Perfect for: Modern AU, Modern Fantasy AU
Mood Types

Vanessa, when she was 5, was taken from her own family and wasn't found until she was 16. She was found in a basement hooked up to machines and looked as if she had been experimented on. She doesn't remember much of her past nor does she want to remember. Her favorite hobby is pissing people off and annoying them to point of a fight. She was a cop for about two years until there was an accident causing the death of 10 cops. She drinks and smokes.


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