"Does This Face Looks Like It Gives A Fuck?"

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Name: Melody Van CoVer 

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hair: Brown

Eye Color(s): Hazel

Height: 6'0

Bust Size: Large

Hips Size: Medium

Accessories: Wears a bunch of bangle bracelets, chokers, and black gothic clothing. She has a barbed wire tattoo wrapped around her thigh. Wears boots and short skirts, not leaving much to the imagination. 

Setting Perfect for: Modern AU, School AU, Band AU

Mood Types





Melody is a singer and a guitarist for the band, 73. She suffered from a family trauma that she won't tell anyone about, not even her closest friends. She's very secretive but, expresses herself through her songs. Melody tends to drink heavily and chain smoke. She can't be reasoned with when she makes up her mind.


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