Movie Time....

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[Next Day]


After telling Kellin my story about Finn yesterday,it made me feel good. I think we should have a movie night with the guys. I asked Kells. Yeah,Ok. So let me call the guys and you go buy popcorn. Yes Sir.He said with a salute. I just roll my eyes and went to call.

[10 minutes later....]

Everyone came and brought movies to pick. Tony of course picked Star Wars,Mike picked Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone[First movie],Kellin picked The Nightmare Before Christmas,the movie we watched when we felt Copeland kick, Jaime picked Nacho Liberal[Has Jack Black in,should watch it],Jack,Jess,Justin,and Zack picked Mean Girls which I laughed when they told us what they picked. When the popcorn was ready, everyone picked Nacho Liberal and started the movie.

[During the movie....]

When Nacho was in a dessert, someone knocked on the door. I thought everyone was here! I said to everyone and they said 'everyone is here'. So when I got the door,it was Kellin dad. What are you doing here Mr. Bostwick? I said being irritated. I just want to talk to Kellin for 1 minute. He said waiting for a answer. It wasn't my call but I had to say 'Fine' But if you hurt him in anyway, I will fucking kill you. I said trying to get in eye level. He didn't say anything after that. KELLIN,SOMEONE IS WAITING FOR YOU! I said screaming.


KELLIN,SOMEONE IS WAITING FOR YOU! Screamed Vic. I'll be right back Cope. I said to Copeland,she nodded. When Vic left,I looked to see it was my father. I had to face him at some point so I didn't run away. What do you want father? I said angrily. I just want to say sorry for all the things I have done to you when you were a teenager. He said. I think your too late to say that. I said backing up. Well... He started to to walk forward, You're going to have too. He said and grabbed my wrist tightly. I wasted my fucking time just to see your faggly face. All I want is your money so I can support my new family. He said laughing. You have a new family? I said a little bit sad. Yea and this new family is way better then your faggot ass and your loser of mother. DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MOM ABOUT THAT! I said trying to get off from his grip. He pushed me harder in the door and slapped me. By then he scared me so much,that I started to cry. NOW,give me your money or... He just smiled creepy. He got close to my ear and whisper I will kill you,your husband,and my grandchild. I will kill everyone you love until it's just you. Now give me 3 millions dollars or I will shoot your fucking family. When he was done,he kicked me,punch me, and slapped me where it was visible to see them and told me good luck. It fucking sting when I try to get up,but i had to go through it. When I opened the door,I screamed VIC and passed out.

Hey guys, just want to say I didn't want the chatper to be a little fucked up,but like it said in the story description there was going to be drama. So yea,just want to say that. Bye!

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