Fourth Of July

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[POV:Still Kellin]

I was woken up by a loud crash and I panicked. I ran downstairs to see Vic getting pans,pots,utensils, and vegetables. What are you doing? Your going to wake up Cope! I said rubbing my eyes. I'm up daddy! Copeland said screaming in my ear. She just laughed and continue to do what she was doing. Vic chuckled and walked up to and said " Happy Fourth Of July" and kissed me. But when he told me, I cursed out loud but covered my mouth when I said "Shit!" Cope just giggled and said " I didn't hear anything! " and went upstairs. Vic was laughing his ass off as I roll my eyes and leave him to make coffee. Why did you cursed? Said Vic. Today is my mom birthday! I said.[A/N I don't know if his mom bday irl is July 4 so....] Well invite her, we can do a birthday /4th of july party. I was going to invite our bands so I can tell them to buy present for your mom too. Vic said taking my coffee and drinking some. Well I'm going to be at the grill if you need me. Vic said as he leaves to the pool. Since I was bored, I went upstairs to see what Copeland was doing and she was watching a movie. What are you doing Cope! I said seating next to her. I'm watching The Little Mermaid. She said not moving her eyes off the screen. I just laughed and kiss her for- head. Since Vic was at the pool, I wanted to do a prank on him so I asked Cope for help and she agreed. I went to grab the Neft guns while Copeland distracted Vic, so when I went to the pool, Copeland saw me and left Vic. Your ready?! I said to Cope . She smiled and said Yea! So we walking behind Vic and screamed. He turned around and we soaked him bad. He took off his sunglasses and chased us until he got me and Cope. We we're laughing while Vic went to change, I gave Cope a high face and we went inside. Since, we weren't wet I told Cope to change while I talked to Vic. I came to our room to see Vic in a towel and wet and he was hot as fuck. I guess I was staring to long because he told me to close the door.


[Smut 👬]

I closed the door and walk up to him putting my arms around him. Why did you tell me to close the door? I said in a sexy tone. Because....I want to give you this. He said and kissed me. He tapped my leg telling me to wrap them around him and well i did. He carried us to the bed pinning me down and him on top of me. He started to leave a trail of hickeys down to my waist until he looked up and stopped. By then I had a big boner coming through and it was killing me. He came to kiss my lips but I grabbed the towel waist and twisted it around my finger. I guess Vic was noticing what I was doing because he let go of his towel and I saw his dick. [A/N Right now I feel very werid! 😂😂] I grabbed it and pumped it up and down and Vic was enjoying it. Vic's moaning were sexy as fuck and it drived me crazy. I continue to pump it until I felt a slimy liquid in my hand. I guess my work here is done. I said whispering to Vic's ear. He smiled at me and kiss me in the lips.


[POV:Still Kellin]

I still had a boner and of course I couldn't let Copeland see it so I changed while Vic cleaned himself and change. I was fixing myself in the mirror when Vic wrapped his arms around me. That was the best hand job I had ever had. Said Vic kissing my shoulder. I'm lucky you enjoyed it. I said in a sexy tone. I was looking at Vic when I noticed the hickeys he left me. Copeland is going to ask me what happened to me! I said pointing at them. Vic just laughed as I tried to hide it. Just leave it, Copeland must be wondering where we are! Said Vic as he gives me one more kiss and guide us to the door. Copeland was downstairs eating and changed into comfort clothes. We're going to the mall to get my mom a present. You want me to get you something? I said looking at Vic. Go to Hot Topic and get me skinny jeans! Said Vic taking out the meat. Ok,we'll see you later! I said grabbing Cope hand and locking the front door. Are you ready to go to the mall?! I said buckling in Cope. Yea! She said raising her hands up. I just laughed at her and got in the car. And like that we got to the mall.


We were in Macy when I saw a beautiful purse in the display. You think grandma would like that purse? I asked Cope pointing at it. Yea! She said all happy. I went to the cashier and asked them how much the purse cost. Well sir this purse cost $120 dollars! Said the cashier. I was shocked. For $120 I can buy 7 shirts and 5 wristbands in Hot Topic. But since it was my mom birthday and I love her I bought it. Let's hope she likes it! I said looking at the price. I bet she will! Said Copeland smiling. We went to Hot Topic and actually there wasn't a lot of people. I went to the skinny jeans section and got 4 pairs, 2 for me and 2 for Vic and because I love him i got him a beanie that his been wanting forever and the one he got stolen by a fan. Then I walked to the shirts and saw 4 shirts of Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil so I got them. Then I went to the wristband section and got some Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, All Time Low, Black Veil Brides, and My Chemical Romance. I got a wristband that had my quote, Wrist are for bracelet, n😖t cutting,and it was sweet. Since Copeland was going back to school I got her shirts from our bands and some cartoons she watches and a backpack. Since she looked cute in the beanie Vic gave her I got her one. I got her a Pierce The Veil backpack because they didn't have a Sleeping With Sirens one. So then we got some stuff for the backpack and it was cute. Since I didn't want to leave yet, I got stuff for the guys. For Mike I got him a Harry Potter necklace,for Tony I got him Star Wars bracelet, for Jessica I got her a shirt that say,im awesome,and it has a cat that is very cute,for Jamie I got him a shirt that said, Hammer-Time,[ If you don't get,you're werid], for Jack and Justin I got them stud earrings,and for Jess I got him a shirt that say,I'm a taco, and it has a taco with his hands in a gun form. And apparently all of that costed $170. [A/N HOT TOPIC IS FUCKING EXPENSIVE! But it's worth it] So when we walked out, you can barely see Cope hair and I couldn't find my phone. So we walked out from the mall and we were ready to get home.


We'er home and tried. I finally found my phone and check the time[5:30] I still need to call my mom. So I called my mom and she answers in the third ring. Hey mom! I said Hey Kells! My mom replied. Happy Birthday! I said. Thanks hun and also happy fourth of july! She said. So we're having a party and we want to celebrate your birthday/fourth of july. So can you go? I asked. Yea honey! She said happily. I'll pick you up at 7:00. Bye mom happy birthday! I said. Bye baby! She said and hang up. I find Vic still at the grill but theirs food in the pot. Hey babe! I said kissing his cheek. Hey babe so is your mom coming? Vic said flipping the meat. Yea,i'm picking her up at 7:00. I said getting a piece of meat. Well I'm going to call the guys because you seem busy. I said. Vic just smiles and says ,Ok.

[Few minutes later....]


I was getting a drink when someone knocked on the door. I went to open it to see the guys. Hey guys! I said happily. Hey Vic! Everyone said. They all went inside and luckily brought gifts. Tio,where is Copeland? Said Jessica. She's at the pool with Tio Kellin. I said. Ok! She said and ran to the back. Tony went with her as everyone stayed at the living room. And of course Jack being Jack he brought tequila. I gave him the,Really,look and he just stayed happy. I went to the back to see Kellin talking to Tony and Copeland playing in the tree house with Jessica. I was in the grill when I felt two arms around me. Kellin told me that he had to pick up his mom and to watch Cope and I said, Ok. He went to say, Bye! To the guys and left.

[Few minutes later....]

I got a called from Kells telling me his mom was in the door blindfolded. I told everyone to hide and turn of the lights. Kellin came in, took of the blindfolded from his mom and turned on the lights. And we all say in harmony, Happy birthday!! She was crying into tears and hugged every one of us.

[Later on....]

Everyone had ate,got gifts from Kellin which I loved the gift he gave me, and Kells mom had opened up all her gifts and now were the fire works. Since our neighbors had fireworks we didn't needed to do some. So we all sat down on the lawn and saw the fireworks and they were beautiful. But what was more beautiful was when I saw Kellin looking all handsome in the lighting of the fireworks. I'm so lucky to have this life! I said to myself and hugged Kells and Cope tighter. This was the best damn fourth of July ever.

Hello guys!! Just want to say thanking very much for the views in my first book and for 74 views in this one. Thank you for the people who take off there time just to read these stories. Thank you so fucking much. And happy late late late fourth of July!!!!!😊😊😊😊

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