Funeral :(

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Just want to say 4 more chatpers and that this one will be a little bit short.


I woke up to a dark and gloomy day, not thinking about anything. The only thing I know is today is my father funeral, so I get up and  get dress in my black suit. I go downstairs to see Cope and Kellin already in there black clothes eating cereal. I was making my cereal when I felt Kellin put his arms around my waist. You okay? He asks and I just bawl. He turns me around and hugs me while I hug him back for dear life. He starts to calm me down when my phone ranged to see it was Mike. I pick it up and Mike tells me this, Vic are you ready? And he sounds so sad that it makes me want to cry again. I replie and he tells me that the funeral is happening in 30 minutes, so I finish eating my cereal and we all go to the funeral home.

[Funeral Home]


We get to the funeral home and i notice Vic is not coming out. I told Cope to stay with Jessica and she went to Jessica. I go back inside the car and wait for Vic to say something ,but he never did. I went to grab his hand,but he didn't do anything, he just sat there dead. But that's when Vic started to cry and I hugged him. Vic,it ok. Your father is in a better place. I said holding him. He continued to cry and I continue to hold him. Couple minutes later,he told me he was ready and we went inside. We get inside to see a lot of Mrs.and Mr.Fuentes friends and relatives and I spot Cope sitting next to Jessica talking. There was a open casket and well Vic barely keeping up with himself I took him away from the casket and to where Cope was sitting. Then the church leader begin to talk about Mr.Fuentes passing.

[Later on]

He finished talking when he called up Vic and Mike for a few words. They go to the stand and talk about there funniest memories with him and how he was a great dad, then came Mrs.Fuentes we lost it during her speech about her life with him and all in all it was sad and depressing. Later on, every left when we put him under ground except Vic,Cope, and me. Vic walked up to the grave and begin a little speech.


Hey d-dad, I know you're in peace with g-grandma and g-grandpa but I just want t-to say I m-miss you. I know your l-looking over us,b-but I wanted you t-o live. I-i just hope in t-the future I s-see you s-soon. I finished talking and gave a peck at the grave and hugged Kells. I saw Copeland put 3 white flowers which were dad favorite color ,but all in all it was nice. We went back to the car and went home. It was a sad day.

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