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The sun blared down, all 12 of us lying there groaning under the immense heat. Summer holidays had just rolled around and the stress of final exams were just about over for the school year. The boys and I had spent our first day of freedom in Jisung's big garden, drinking ice beers and playing about with a ball. But as the sun had reached the hottest all day we were forced to seek shelter in the shade underneath his big oak tree to cool off. 

"We need to do something this summer." Jihoon whined. "We always plan loads but never get round to it."
"Thats because we can't afford it, we spent too long studying to even think about getting a job this year." Jaehwan replied, playing with filters on his phone to take a picture of the clear sky. 
"But this year feels different, special!" He continued.
"You say that every year!" I groaned along with the others who began telling him to sit back down before he got heatstroke.

Since we've been friends, Jihoon has wanted us to all go on a trip. Before now most of us have been busy and it was hard to get us all in one room for more than 10 minutes before at least two of us would then have to run off elsewhere! He was right however, this was the first summer we could all spend together. Jisung had his new house for us to crash in, and Seongwoo had finally managed to escape the devil hands of his fathers company. We were all together again for the first time in what felt like forever.


"Woojin, what plans are for your party then?" It was late now, and the sun had finally gone in. Letting us all cram into a clammy living room of Jisung's house.
"nothing yet."
"What!" Daniel began, obviously flustered. "You have to! My 20th was rubbish, you need to make up for it... for me!"
"Hey Neil! we enjoyed the petting zoo." Minhyun scoffed.
"You might have, but I'm still scarred by what the chicken did to me."
"Wait, what did the chicken do?" I had missed out on the trip due to my study timetable.
"Never ask about the chickens!" Jinyoung hissed. I raised my hands in defence laughing with the others as Daniel shivered in fear at the memory.


Everyone had gone home, I only lived across town but Jisung and Seongwoo insisted on walking home with me anyways! We chatted the whole way back, stopping to go into our local corner shop. As usual I bought crisps and the boys bought three lottery scratch cards, the three of us stood on the corner of the street all huddled underneath a street lamp. I handed out pennies to help scratch off the card.

"Same rules apply, whatever yours reveals..."
"You keep!" Jisung and I chimed in laughing, we had the same ritual. For luck, I used my special 2p that I had won £5 with last time. But like usual, not a single one of us won.
"One of you do me a favour. Go and get me two more."
"Hey! the rules state-"
"Not for me, for Woojin. It'll be a good present."
"Fine, just a sec."


I went to bed thinking of what I would do with millions, which was what the jackpot offered. As usual I played the same delusional fantasy in my head of me owning a celebrity lifestyle of jet rides and bentleys. But it was still just a dream as usual.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!" We cheered, scaring Woojin as we jumped out from our hiding spots. He grinned widely and all 12 of us hugged together as the singing continued on! After the song had gone on for far too long we finally all sat down in a circle to give him his presents. One by one we passed out the nicely wrapped gifts. In the end, I had ended up getting Woojin a new hat that he'd been looking at a couple weeks ago when we went shopping, as well as the scratch cards. Mine was the last to be opened.
"Eva!!! Thank youuu." He leapt on top of me, tackling Sungwoon who was unluckily seated next to me at that moment.
"Your welcome."
"Come on!" Daniel shouted, he was way too enthusiastic about the whole thing. "Outside everyone!!!" He began herding us out into the garden where there were multiple tents placed around and a small campfire in the middle of them.
"Wow Niel you really went all out." Jihoon exclaimed.
"And look, everyone has am assigned tent."

We went off to find our names, with two to a tent we would also be finding our camp mate! As I found mine I laughed at the sight of the other name. Yoon Jisung.
I heard a crow like laugh from behind me and instantly knew it was him.
The two of us had been friends since we were little, and there wasn't a thing we didn't know about each other anymore! He was the reason I'd even met all the others, obviously we were all close but there had always been a brother figure in Jisung to me.


Everyone was in their tents, the early hours of the morning had soon arrived and no one could even stand for much longer if they had wanted to! My tent mate and I sat in the dark, quietly chatting with each other as others surrounding us presumably fell asleep.

"Have you talked to him?" I asked.
"Not unless you want me to."
"Thank you... I don't. If I want to tell him it needs to come from me."
"He would never be mean, you know that."
"I'm still worried, maybe I should give up. What's the point if he doesn't like me back hey?"
"He does, I'm telling you." Jisung reached out and held my hand, knowing that the alcohol had most probably enduced these feelings I had but he still had sympathy.

The subject of our little conversation? Ong Seongwoo himself. The boy I had secretly been falling in love with for years!

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