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The plan.

Spend 3 million on a mansion, somewhere we can all live together.
Start up the business.
Get good income so we can stay rich.
Buy a yacht.
Take loads of holidays.
Get filthy rich.

Seungwoo took my hand again as we were lead out to the garden, a big pool lit up at night and beautiful seating areas dotted around. Not to mention the bar that stood at the end of the pool.


"Sign here, and here. Thank you very much Miss Pera. Here are your keys."
I squealed and kissed Seungwoo on the cheek, after all we were just pretending. He seemed to play and hold my waist possessively, smirking at me. Not only had we bought a new house but I couldn't help it and Seungwoo had helped me pick out a new car. It was my money in the end, I deserved to splash a little!
The house was finally ours, we could do whatever now! We could begin the plan.


It was moving day only 1 week after I had bought the place. Jaehwan and Gualin used to live together so they brought their stuff in one van, Daniel following not long after.
"Where's Seungwoo, he's usually on your hip every second." He said, the moving men hauling in his dresser.
"Back at his house getting the last of his things."
"Hey, where should we take this?" Gualin stood next his old bed that sat in the driveway.
"Basement, we can sell it off later on."

"You know we have a lot to sell off." Daniel went on.
"We'll sort it all out, don't worry."
"I can help if you want, I think Sungwoon has stuff to shift too!"
"Thanks... Hey another vans coming. Can you make sure that Gualin and Jaehwan have chosen a room already, and make sure you have one too!"
"Okay, see you in a bit." He ran off inside as I saw who's car was following the van.

"Got room for another?" He laughed.
"YOU MADE IT!" jisung ran out and gave me a hug as I screamed. I hadn't seen him since we looked at the house online. Everything had just been so busy since then!
"You look tired." He told me.
"Thanks a lot."
"Take a break, sort out your room. I'll organize the others."
"Fine... Here's the angenda." I passed him my clipboard. "Jihoon's late so be annoyed when he gets here, but not too much because he's sensitive. And if Daehwi rings tell me okay!" He rolled his eyes but nodded.

"And I'll let you know when Seungwoo gets here so you know when to fix your hair."
"Shut the fuck up and do your job."
"Relax bitch!"


Everyone was here and assigned to a room, well Seungwoo had his room but hadn't returned since he left to get a few more things hours earlier.
"Should I ring him?" I asked Sungwoon who sat on my bed cross legged.
"He'll be here soon. We're going for a swim you wanna join?"
It was still 5 so the sun would be up for ages yet.
"I'll meet you down there."
He ran off, pulling his shades onto his eyes. I looked out the window out to the garden where the others were already playing about by the pool.

"Hey." There was a knock at the door.
"Your here, finally!" I ran over to hug the boy. Over the past weeks we had grown closer, I pulled away but his hand stayed on my hip as he smiled down to me. He looked good in his skinny jeans and big hoodie, my feelings for him seemed to be increasing the more time we spent together.
"Where are the others?" He broke the trance.
"Outside, I'll get changed and we can join them."
"Wait, I have a surprise first."
He walked behind me and put both hands over my eyes.
"Trust me." He whispered, shivers shocking my spine. I let him lead me outside and down some steps, I had no clue where we were going until he finally let me see.

"Ta da!" He did a little pose.
"Wow... Cardboard boxes. I'm uh- impressed?" I joked.
"Not just boxes. Look." there must have been about 100 of them piled up in the basement. Seungwoo opened one, revealing package after package of white powders.
"Shit Seungwoo, is that?"
"Yep and good stuff too!"
"We need a steady business, so I bought a load from overseas and now we gonna sell it off."
"Why show me?"
"I need you to make sure its good stuff, and a business partner could be good?"
"Not a chance am I doing Cocaine seungwoo!"
"Come on, just one hit?"
"No, come on. Lock this up and let's get back before anyone realises we're gone!"

He followed me up the stairs towards the house again where I put on my bikini to meet the others by the pool. Seungwoo joined us soon after with his rock hard abs on show, I don't think I'd ever get over how beautiful he was.

"God you're so in love with him." Daniel teased, pushing me under the water soon after. I emmerged, my hair soaking wet now. I jumped towards him and dragged him under with me.


When it got dark I was still sat chilling outside, music playing softly as I dipped my feet from the edge of the pool. It was starting to get cold again, as another gust of wind blessed my presence I shivered slightly. The boys had gone inside to fight over what Pizza's to order. Even though we had millions to spend, the 11 children insisted on having one normal thing to argue over.

"We need to talk." Minhyun sat next to me, scaring me from appearing out of nowhere.
"Wh-what about?"
"Business, we need to sort it early on otherwise we'll end up spending all the money first."
"Shouldn't this be a conversation with everyone?" I asked.
"It's your money Eva, in the end it's your say as to where it's spent."
"We really should wait for the others though."
"Why? They'll only waste it."
"You're going to make me do bad things Minhyun."
"Isn't that what I'm here for?" He grinned.

wanna one // open wavesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin