Dang it were late!!

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Jisungs pov:
I woke up with my arm rapped around someone. "Whatever it's Tae" I whispered This voice mumbled "Shh I'm tired Ji Sung" My eyes Widened 👀 Omg omg omg 🤐It was Anna. WHAT IS SHE DOING IN MY BED!!!!!! I left to the bathroom to call Suga in the other room he answered "Are your pants up again" I mumbled "no not this time" I said ashamed. He replied "then what is it?" I didn't know how to tell him but I had too! "Anna is in my bed 🤐" He panicked "Oh SHIT WHAT U DO!?" I did nothing honestly , I hope. I swear all I remember is me oh crap .Sungmin sounded worried "omg what".I had to reply he's older so he'll know what to do."She um...She came in my room and sneaked in for some paper to write a note to our science teacher while I was sleeping, I told her "what u doing in my room" She came to my face so I grabbed her in my bed. She just Lied down and fell asleep. Sungmin replied to me in a fatherly voice" okay good as long as u didn't do anything stupid" I was in relief and woke up Anna so we can go get our parents

Taes pov:
I stayed up all night planing how I was gonna tell Lexis parents I was dating their daughter. I kept passing back and fourth practicing and I think I got it. Obviously I wanted to make a good impression on her parents about us dating so I got flowers 🌹, A collage of me and Lex

I wasn't sure if she would like it so edited it all night. I really want to empress her parents.Jisung yelled at us to hurry up .I was already dressed at 4:45am practicing, I hope it was good enough for her parents to allow me to date their daughter.

Sungmins pov:
GREAT this morning got me all scared because of Jisung and his dumb actions ugh. My phone was ringing I answered "Hello?,Who is this?" A voice replied "The basketball queen" I hollered across the room to Ariana's "Very funny" She replied back sounding as if she couldn't breath from laughing "Yep..It was" I shook my head smiling .I couldn't wait to see my parents even though they never paid attention to me.But I have Ariana now so thats what matters to me at this point.She came in my room to brush her teeth I asked her "What are you doing in my room brushing ur teeth" She answered me in Gibberish "Itz caeuse I mike yourv batthroom bestter" I rolled my eyes, and left the room saying "Your weird, I love u for that"

Sun jin pov:
I felt someone licking my face I whispered "Bri what are u doing" She giggled and told me "open your eyes" I did what she said and there it was Lola in my baby voice "Awwww cute Lola what are u doing out of your bed huh?" Bri covered her mouth while giggling, I told her "what she's cute" she replied with " Yeah so are u but I don't do that voice" Sungmin heard and yelled all the way downstairs "BURNNNNN!!!" What friends I have right 😂. I didn't care though they loved me right ❓they had too I mean I know Bri does no questions asked I could tell, I just felt there was something missing.

Ji hoons pov:
"Geny!!!!!!" She came running through the door "Omg are u okay Hobi !!??" I've never heard her call me that, to me Hobi was usually what close people call me to replace oppa. I didn't reply to her so she got worried and came to check my head I said "Hi" She hit my shoulder "Stupid I thought something was wrong" Genesis said. But as long as she was with me I was okay.

Se juns pov:
I wrapped Lola in a pink bow to put on anabelles bed. Lola sat on her so she woke up as if she didn't know where she was. Her words waking up were the cutest "Oppa what are u doing In my room?" I chuckled like a girl it was funny but I told her " we have to leave to pick up your parents remember?" She flew off her bed to get dressed she just stood there at first I asked her is something wrong she replied with "Yes get out" oh right i forgot sorry. If only her parents can accept me .

Ji soons pov :
I found Vanessa nowhere, she's like a cute bunny she hopes away and I can't find her. She was probably getting ready to see her parents again in a while she really missed them I just hope she can still focus on me too.

Jisungs pov:
Haha Anna is so charming, showing me these funny cat videos aren't we cute. I checked the time I remembered we had to leave at 11:00 because the airport is an hour away, Lex yells across from us "dude let's goooo!!! It's 12:51" My heart was beating so fast  u could hear it, i was hoping my  parents wouldn't be mad at me being late for them. We all walked out to get in the car finally Sungmin realized and shouted as loud as he could "Oh shoot!!!Where late!"

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