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I woke up in an unfamiliar room with only my bra and underwear on. Then I noticed a person beside me. Namjoon looked so peaceful when he slept and it was hard to tear my eyes off of his sleeping form. But I did.

I didn't want to walk to the bathroom in just my undergarments so I snagged Namjoon's shirt from the floor and slipped it over my head and padded down the hall very quietly​ to the bathroom. Once I was in, I smiled at myself in the mirror. Needless to say, Namjoon and I were together and I was beyond happy about it.

Once I was out of the shower, I rushed to Namjoon's room and shut the door. I mean, I only had a towel on considering the fact I was too nervous to grab my clothes. When I entered, Namjoon was, of course, awake and he smiled at me when he saw me. 

"Good morning, baby girl," He said, his voice still rough from sleep, but cute ever the same.

I smiled at him. "G'morning," I giggled.

I found something decent to wear in my suitcase and pulled it on and the climbed into bed beside Namjoon. I kissed his nose and he laughed and kissed my cheek.

"How'd you sleep?"

I rested my head on his chest. "Great. "

I could picture his smile. "I'm glad. I wish you didn't have to leave today."

Everything fell. I completely forgot that I left today. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Maybe you can come visit me. I'll always text you and video chat with you. I promise."

Namjoon put his finger under my chin and forced me to look up at him. "I know," He kisses my lips softly. "I love you. "

With my eyes still closed and a smile plastered on my face I said," I love you, too."

Namjoon got up and pulled on some sweat pants and a white tee shirt and winked at me. "Let's go see what Jin cooked."

Just to let you know, Jin was a very good cook. He cooks better than my mom which is a huge accomplishment to me. For breakfast that morning, he cooked eggs, fruit parfait, and he even made coffee. Now, let me tell you, I freaking loved it and watching Jin eat was even better.

"God, Jin shut up," A grumpy Jungkook groaned as he slumped into the kitchen.

Jin laughed. "Just get some​ coffee, grumpy pants."

Jungkook rolled his eyes but still got coffee. Eventually he was back to his hyper, loving self and was making jokes with the rest of the group.

"Oh, yeah," Youngi said to me and Namjoon," Next time you two decide to have sex, please be quiet. Please."

I blushed almost as red as Jimin's shirt and I buried my face in Namjoon's chest which caused him​ to laugh.

"Will do," Namjoon laughed while I was dying of embarrassment.

The group of guys laughed and I got my act together and smiled at them. This group of guys was basically my new edition of family and I was beyond okay with it.

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