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So guys, I didn't take these photos, my mum did, but I asked her to send them to my Ipad and I decided to upload them to wattpad because there just adorbale. Xx

By they way, if you were wondering this is my horse, who goes by the paddock name Max or Maximus. His show name is Mr Ed, and if ya don't know who Mr Ed is, then go to google and search it up cause I'm sure you'll love what you find!

I've decided to give you a little bit of a background on Max, so if you want to see read on, if you don't then just skip to the next chapter.

So I've had Max for about 4 years, but the only reason we got him was because a few months before, I had a terrible fall of my little pony Ronnie. I was only nine when it happened, but it still shook me so bad that I never got back on horse for a good 4 or so months. I even refused to get on our quietest horse, Clancy who wouldn't move a muscle unless you really wanted him to XD. Anyways one night I was sitting on the couch watching TV (a horse programme of course) and mum showed me this horse on her laptop. It was Max. I was immediately all over him and I asked mum where he was from. She said Queensland and I lost all hope of ever owning him. About a week later we were on our way to school and we stopped by the local cattle yards. I asked mum why we were waiting at the cattle yards and she said we were waiting for a cattle truck (we run cattle on our property). Anyways I was starting to get bored and the truck wasn't anywhere in sight so mum drove us to school and yeah. So it was a usual schools day and we were driving down the driveway and I started counting the horses like usual (don't judge me! I liked to make sure we hadn't lost any while I wasn't home 😂) but I counted one more then usual, I asked mum why there was one more horse then usual and she just shrugged. But she had that look on her face, the look that parents have when their lying. I knew something was up cause I saw my nan and pa waiting next to this paddock that had been sectioned off from a bigger one with a bit of tape and tread-ins. Then I saw the horse, and I knew it was Max, so I jumped out of the car while it was still moving (it was only moving slowly), jumped over the fence and vaulted myself up on Max's back. It was probably one of the best moments of my life, and I can't even explain what it felt like to be back on a horse, but to be back on a horse and immediately know that this was meant to be. Sadly a year after getting him he had a serious leg injury and I was absolutely shattered. I had lost my previous horse to a leg injury that lead to her breaking her back, so I thought they were going to put him down to. I had two options they were either put him down, or give him intensive care and a year to recover. I chose the latter obviously, but it was another full year before I could ride again. Ever since that accident Max and I have been a power team competing in campdrafting, sporting, showjumping and a little bit of eventing.

So there's the background if Max and I 😂 Hope you enjoyed xx

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