Love makes the world revolve

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                             Driving to work became as exciting for me as a driving to the candy shop for a kid. But with the difference is that my candy is seeing Sandy. Today I had a bag of her favorite candies with me for her. She really is my sunshine. Seeing her just made me feel like I won the lottery or something. I still can’t believe that she’s mine now. It was like a dream come true. She was even better then my dream girl.  With the difference that dreams end but we will last. I will love her to the last breath. I was singing to myself “I'm lost inside your love, believe me, and if I don't come up, then leave me, inside your love forever”. Yes I am lost in her love.

                                    Today was my baby girl’s birthday and also the day I’ll meet her family. I would’ve liked a birthday party for only the two of us but I also wanted to meet her family. I never had one of my own and I really wanted to see how it is to be a part of one. I bought her flowers and a cake before going to my office. At lunch time I had all our co-workers in my office and we were waiting for my love to come. The second she opened the door we all shouted


She stood there surprised as we sang “happy birthday”. I noticed that her eyes were glistening so I walked towards her as the people started to file out of my office. I took her in my arms and she whispered “Thank you, that’s the sweetest thing anyone anywhere has ever done for me.”

                                    After cutting and distributing the cake I took my part and headed down to my car to go home get ready then buy my baby a gift. An hour later I was coming out of the mall looking down in deep thinking when I bumped into someone. I looked up to apologize but was greeted with a waterfall of words that left me speechless.

                                    “Don’t you have eyes? Couldn’t you see that I'm coming that way? It’s either your blind or you bump into people purposefully. I am in a hurry but you slowed me down now I'm going to be late and it’s all because of you and here you are not even saying sorry. Ugh people nowadays are so rude. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be someone like you.” With that she walked away without even giving me the chance to apologize. That woman is very weird, I thought, I hope whoever he is turns out just like me. I walked away with a grin at that idea.

                                    I couldn’t wait to get to my girl. I wanted to see her expression as she opened my gift. I hope she like it. As I was pulling into a parking lot in front of her apartment someone took my parking space. That angered me. I got out of my car to fight with whoever did that aggravating move. I knocked on the window and guess who came out of that door? Who else but that woman from the mall. I stared in shock for a while when she pulled me out of my shocked stanza with a “Get out of my way.”

                                    “Who do you think you are, woman? I saw this parking lot first and …”

She didn’t even let me finish and answered me coldly, “But who is in the parking lot now? Me. And who is blocking my path? You. Therefore you should get out of my way.” She elbowed her way around me, leaving me there with my blood boiling.

                                    I calmed myself down and walked into the building and saw HER waiting for the elevator and unfortunately I had to use it too but there is no way in hell I'm going in there with her so I just waited till she got in and the elevator closed back on her and clicked the button. It took a while before it came back down but in  few more minutes I was standing in front of my girl’s apartment trying to calm down the butterflies in my stomach. Then I rang the bell. The door opened and we both stood there with our mouths open in shock. It was that woman again. Then … she slammed the door in my face.

                                    I had to calm myself down again. I can’t ruin my baby’s birthday. After I was sure I had my nerves under control I rang the bell again. This time my Sandy opened the door and I took her in my arms and whispered in her ears “Happy birthday my love.” She giggled and pulled me into the house. Inside there was a man whom I could tell was her father. Then her mother. And … that woman. What is she doing around my girl anyway?

                                    “James that’s my dad Harold. My mom Bridget. And my sister Ruth.” I couldn’t believe it. That woman is my Sandy’s sister? I shook hands with everyone but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach towards Ruth. Something just wasn’t right in her.

                                    In spite of my uneasiness towards Sandy’s sister I still enjoyed my time with her family. Her dad at first seemed to be strict but once you get to know him, he has a soft heart and a good sense of humor. Her mother was soft from the inside out. She was a sweetheart. And Sandy was just like her. Ruth turned out to be funny and a fun person to be around. She had a sharp tongue and sometimes I caught her giving us weird looks but other than that she seemed like an ok person.

                                    I made sure that my girl had a special night and when everyone was getting sleepy I took her out for a walk under the moonlight sky. We walked in silence for a while then I felt her small fingers shyly make their way to mine so I clutched her soft hand in mine and looked at her beautiful face. Her smile was a smile I’d kill to see; a smile that shone brighter then the full moon. Slowly I pulled her into my arm and rested my lips on her marshmallow soft lips. They tasted sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted.  My arms snaked their way around her small waist pulling her even closer to me. I wish I can always do that. I love kissing her.

                                    We had to pull away reluctantly for a breath but I couldn’t stand it. I pulled her back for another kiss which we lost ourselves into and little by little we deepened the kiss till we were clinging to each other unwilling to let go. My hands started caressing her back slowly and inched farther down with each caress but then I felt her stiffen in my arms and pull away.

                                    “Baby I’m … I’m sorry I just got carried away. I didn’t mean to … “ I was feeling guilty and worried that I scared her off. She hesitated for a few seconds then walked towards me and kissed my cheek.

                                    “Don't worry about it I'm not mad at you but I better go now. Good night honey.”

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