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Jaeden sat in his English classroom, daydreaming.

He was just waiting for the bell to ring and the teacher to declare the end of the school year.

Jaeden swung on his chair slightly and zoned out completely. Holiday homework would burn in the fiery depths of hell if he had his way.

All he wanted was to see Wyatt.

Jaeden swung back further on his chair just as the bell sounded. The noise dragged him out of his daze but shocked him so much that he let go of the desk in front of him, then fell backwards. He prayed that gravity would just stop for a minute so that he wouldn't be pushed violently into the greasy, smelly carpet. Alas, Jaeden hit the ground with a thud, spraining his wrist in the process. He winced. Somehow Jaeden had ended up half somersaulting and in some strange yoga like pose. Everyone in the class burst into laughter. Some of the boys whispered things like "Jaeden really needs to get his ACT together" and "Jaeden's ACTING really badly today". The jokes weren't even funny. You'd think acting with Finn Wolfhard and Maddie Ziegler, he'd totally have a 'popular pass' but unfortunately, everyone claimed he was 'full of himself' and treated him as a joke.

He stood up, picked his books up and walked off to his locker.

Jaeden swung his bag around one shoulder and got the hell away from school.

He was going to see the
Jack Finn and (especially) Wyatt the next day and it gave him a little burst of joy.

Next day

It was officially the first day of the Summer Holidays and Jaeden was ecstatic as Wyatt was coming to his house, as well as Jack and Finn.

At around midday, Jaeden heard a knock at his door. He sprinted over to it, hoping to see Wyatt.

At his door were Finn and Jack, arguing over a bet that they'd had earlier.

"Come in" Jaeden smiled annoyedly. Despite being good friends with Jack and Finn he did find them very loud and obnoxious. Half of the time it was funny, the other half, extremely irritating.

"Jyatt- I mean Wyatt!" Jack screamed. Finn giggled at Jaeden's face when Jyatt was mentioned.

Jaeden shook his head and death stared Jack and Finn disapprovingly.

They started walking down the hallway when they heard another knock at the door.

"That'll be-" Jaeden started but was cut of by Jack.

"Your boyfriend"

Jaeden rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to once again sprint to the door, as it would just prove Jack's point.

"Jae-Jae" Wyatt said, grinning.

"W-hi-yatt! Uh- I mean Hi-Wyatt"Jaeden mumbled and then awkwardly put on a faux self deprecating laugh.

Wyatt laughed at the sheer awkwardness of the situation (and Jaeden's general cuteness).

"Jack and I are gonna go pick a movie" Finn declared, walking over to the lounge room.

Jaeden froze.

"Let's go to the pool" Wyatt suggested.

The two got up and walked over to the pool. They sat down on Jaeden's deck chairs.

"How's school been?" Jaeden asked.

"Awful coz you're not there" Wyatt replied.

Jaeden just grinned.

"You?" Wyatt asked back.

"Alright, but I fell of a chair this afternoon and it murdered my wrist" Jaeden genuinely laughed this time.

"Ouch" Wyatt said picking Jaeden's right hand up and examining it.

"Other hand" Jaeden laughed.

"Oh" Wyatt put it down, grabbed Jaeden's left hand and kissed it.

"All better now?" Wyatt questioned.

"Not until you kiss my lips" Jaeden said recklessly.

Wyatt smiled and leaned forward. They pressed their lips together for a few seconds, then pulled away.

Hello I hope you liked it. I'm not a very good writer but I tried my best. Love you guys xx

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