10. You are awake!

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'Acid sugar, black venom, H2O, H4O, Co2, discord seeds, a hybrid's DNA' I pulled out some few hairs from Ty's head "ow!" He whined "sorry, is for the potion" 'mix until bubbles appear'

"Uhmm, Seta, can I talk to you for a second?" Krystal asked me, I sighed "ok, Ty, could you please mix the potion?" "No problem" Ty took the cauldron and started mixing, Krystal and i walked out of the lab to the principal hallway.

"What happened?" I asked Krystal, without saying a word, Krystal handed me a envelope with the words 'confidential' on top. I opened it and started reading:

Experiment #2: sane, a little bit thin

"That's you right?" Krystal nodded and said "Ty's number is 1144" I started looking for Ty's number. my face went pale when I found out what it said:

Experiment #1144: unhealthy, 2 weeks maximum, Heart damage.

"Is Ty going to die?" Krystal said loud enough so Deadlox didn't hear. I couldn't lie to Krystal, but the truth will hurt her.

"Seth, I need to know!" Krystal said "Seto" I corrected her "does it matter right now?" I sighed, I guess, I guess she needs to know

welp, this is it for todays episode..... Nah jk


"He....... In the......" Sarto(Seto, jeez Krystal) stuttered "please" I said "*sigh* Ty....... Ty's surgery didn't work out as well" a single tear rolled down my face, but, he is 100% dying in two weeks?

"Is it there a cure?" "Well, in the paper says it's a heart damage, so I guess something (or someone, skylox desu!!) could cure him, but I'm not sure what (or who!!!)"

i was petrified, someone just took care of me and treated me like one of his family members, and that someone dies!!?! Or, well, is going to die.

"But...... Bu-" I was cut of with Deadlox's scream "Seto! It's ready!!!" Sekro(again, Seto) looked at me "try to not think about it" I nodded.

we both walked downstairs to the lab, Soton(let's just say, every time you see a weird name that is like Seto's, it's Seto) took two glass bottles and filled them with the liquid in the cauldron

"Does it taste bad?" Ty asked "I have no idea, I guess it tastes funny" the liquid didn't have a defined color, because it was always changing from one color to another.

But I need to admit, it looks delicious :P

"Ok, so you need to swallow it really fast, got it?" "What happens if we not??" I said "Kaboom" sero answered, well, that is..... Promising.

Ty and I took the bottle at the same time, "at the count of three, ok?" Sorto said "one, two..... Three" I swallowed every droplet of the bottle, the flavor was horrible!!! Like, Liquid farts or something .

then, after some seconds, I started feeling a small pain in my back, i felt how my wings were disappearing from my back, and my tail was retrieving to my body, my ears were transforming into human ears again, and my horns were fading away, believe me, it wasn't so pleasing to feel body parts retrieving to you.


"Three" I swallowed really quickly, that was fucking horrible!!! Like, poop. Really

After the HORRIBLE LIQUID GOING DOWN MY PRECIOUS THROAT I started feeling tickles through my body, then, my wings and tail retrieved to my body, it may seem funny, but is painful. and my headphones started glowing happy green again, YAAAY happy!!! And they were no more purple spots throughout my body, but I did noticed something different, my eyes didn't change at all, they were still purple.

I dont want to hurt you (skylox~enderlox)Where stories live. Discover now