Drop Sans Info!

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I'm putting this here so I can type it all up on amino later!

Name: Nightsteptale! Sans

Nickname: Drop (as in the Bass Drop in dubstep)

Age: 24 (as Sans is headcanoned as)

Height: 5'1 (my height, ima shorty)

Gender: male

Species: Skeleton

Sexuality: Demisexual

Personality: Drop has a modest and clever kind of personality, he won't judge himself highly when he does something, not even admitting to 'misplace' his socks or Wing Ding's (name subject to change, I need more dubstep terms) gloves and beanie. Like Classic, he is a punny guy, but, he gets stumped easily cause he makes puns faster than he can think up, causing him to 'black out' mid sentence with a blank face until either he is tapped or able to find a counter pun. Usually, this only happens in a Pun-Off.
Fair warning though, he has a short temper, expecially about those nosing around his family matters, so when the scope lines on his sweater go flat: Fear Him.

Appearance: White boned skeleton with a purple beanie, sweater jacket with blue scope lines, and black sweatpants with a jagged white stripe on the sides, purple fuzzy slippers. His left eye has scope lines going vertical and horizontal and his magic color is a blue-er shade of violet.

Birthday: March 20, 2017

More to come! Check up every now and again! (If you want to, that is.)

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