Other Ship Baby

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Meet Mulberry!
I actually had him for a while, perfecting his design and I think I've done it!

He is the ship child of Blueberry and Cherry (Swap and Fell for those who aren't in the fandom).
I made him cause I didn't see any official ship child that wasn't thought up at the last moment for a fanfic. Sooooo, I made one for my use, but anyone else can use him, just credit me in the description. X3

Mul acts more like Fell, but like his 'mom', he doesn't like puns all that much, except when he wanted to get you back for something. He has a tendency to be as active and a little sweet as Swap, then lazy and crude like Fell later, so a bit unpredictable. Also, he is a hella tsundere.

His clothes are a grey and maroon color with a darker maroon bow on the back of the hoodie he wears. When he gets flustered, he will pull his hoodie up and the bow would then 'stand at attemtion' like bunny ears, but don't call him Bunny or sharp bones are coming your way.

That's all for now, have a nice day/night!

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